From Moscow to the Moscow region Golitsyno 54 km. You can get to the city in the Moscow region by public transport (buses, commuter trains) and by private car.

Step 1
Electric trains run to Golitsyno station from Belorussky railway station. Travel time will be about one hour. Departure of trains from the station every 15 minutes. High-speed trains REX "Region-Express", following in the direction of Mozhaisk, will be delivered to Golitsyno in half an hour. You can also take the train at Begovaya, Fili, Kuntsevo and Rabochiy settlement stations.
Step 2
You can get to Golitsyno from Moscow by buses with a change in Krasnoznamensk or Odintsovo. Bus number 442 to Krasnoznamensk departs from the Park Pobedy metro station. Travel time is 30 minutes. At the checkpoint, you need to change to a bus, following route number 35. You can get to Golitsyno by it in 20 minutes.
Step 3
If it is easier to change trains in Odintsovo, then the station can be reached by bus # 339 from the Park Pobedy metro station, by bus # 461 from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, by bus # 418 from Molodezhnaya and by bus # 468 from the Peredelkino platform. Bus number 1055 departs from Odintsovo station to Golitsyno. Departure time (daily, except Saturday and Sunday): 06:15, 08:00, 10:00, 12:05, 13:55, 15:40. On weekends: 06:15, 08:00, 12:05, 13:55, 15:40, 18:00. In addition, you can use the route taxi, which runs more often than the bus.
Step 4
You can get from Moscow to Golitsyno by Mozhaisk, Minsk, Rublevo-Uspenskoe or Kiev highway. Drivers most often make their choice in the direction of the Minsk-Mozhaisk highway. After turning from the Moscow Ring Road to Mozhaiskoye Shosse, there are two options for the further path. You can go to the right in the area of the Odintsovskaya arch and drive through the city, continuing along the Mozhaisk highway, or, bypassing the arch, go along the Minsk highway, which is not overloaded with traffic lights and settlements. When choosing a route, it should be borne in mind that Odintsovo often gets stuck in traffic jams, so the travel time can significantly increase.