Permanent residence is a permanent place of residence on the territory of a country. Typically, such a permit is obtained after a long stay abroad and it gives the owner a lot of rights and obligations. The conditions for obtaining permanent residence in each country are different.

Rights and obligations imposed by permanent residence
Permanent residence on the territory of another state practically equates the holder of this permit with a resident. So, he gets the right to an indefinite and visa-free stay in the country, receive education and medical care on the same conditions as the local population. A person with permanent residence can also open his own business and make real estate transactions, has the opportunity to travel and return at any time, and also be protected by the laws of the country in which he lives. In addition, it is much easier for people with permanent residence to subsequently obtain citizenship, although this is not required of them.
In addition to the numerous rights, the permit for permanent residence also imposes certain obligations. Among them, for example, the transfer to the state of all the necessary taxes that are levied on residents, and the observance of all rules in force in the territory of this state.
Despite all the advantages, permanent residence does not provide a person with a passport of another country, does not give him the right to work in the police, hold military posts, vote and be elected to any government body. In addition, those who have a permanent residence permit usually do not have access to any of the federal benefits enjoyed by the local population with citizenship.
How to get permanent residence
Each state issues a permanent residence permit on its own terms. As a rule, this requires living in the country for several years, leaving for its aisles a specified number of times and for a specified period.
Children of residents who previously lived abroad, or spouses of residents can also receive permanent residence. In the latter case, it is often necessary to first prove to representatives of the migration service that the planned marriage is not fictitious. This organization is very serious about issuing permanent residence, monitoring the interpersonal relationships of spouses. And in this case, it is often possible to obtain permission only several years after the wedding.
Permits for permanent residence are also often issued to foreign persons in whom the country is interested. These can be proven specialists in science and technology, finance, national security, famous athletes or cultural figures.
In some countries, permanent residence is issued after foreign citizens buy any real estate on the territory of the state. However, in this case, it may also be necessary to stay there for a certain time.