The company "Russian Railways" is a monopoly of railway transportation on the territory of Russia, therefore the cost of train tickets remains quite high and is comparable to the cost of plane tickets. Airlines hold discount promotions, during which ticket prices may be several times lower than usual, but it is impossible to buy a cheap train ticket for the promotion.

Step 1
Any passenger train consists of carriages of various comfort categories; tickets are sold for sleeping, compartment and second-class carriages. Sometimes, the train, which will not be on the way for long, may include common wagons, in which three seated passengers can be accommodated in one lower place. You can buy the cheapest tickets for a reserved seat and a shared carriage; compared to a regular compartment carriage, their cost will be two to three times less.
Step 2
In addition, the ticket price depends on which seat - the upper or lower you buy the ticket. In the autumn-winter period, Russian Railways provided for passengers traveling in the upper seats, a privilege - they pay only 50% of the ticket price for the lower seat. Buy a ticket for the top seat and the round trip will cost you the same price as a one way ticket for the bottom seat.
Step 3
Study the timetable of the trains that follow in the direction you want. If you want a ticket to get you inexpensively, buy it not for a branded or fast train, but for a regular passenger train. Travel time, of course, will increase, but the cost of the ticket will noticeably decrease. Savings can be up to 30%.
Step 4
The cost of a trip by rail also depends on the season. The highest ticket prices are in the summer, when many go on holidays and vacations. If you have planned a trip in winter, then you can also save a lot. You can buy a ticket for half of its face value when you hit the road on December 31, on New Year's Eve.
Step 5
There is another way to buy a cheap train ticket - to buy it not through a railway ticket agency, but directly at the station or via the Internet on the Russian Railways website. If you purchase it on the Russian Railways website, choose a bank card payment method - in this case, you will not be able to pay any commissions that will be charged when you pay through payment terminals in cash.