How To Buy A Ticket For "Sapsan"

How To Buy A Ticket For "Sapsan"
How To Buy A Ticket For "Sapsan"

Table of contents:


A ticket for the Sapsan train is bought in the same order as for any train operating in Russia. To purchase it, you need to contact the railway ticket office or just go to the official website of Russian Railways.

How to buy a ticket for
How to buy a ticket for

It is necessary

  • - passport;
  • - bank card or cash.


Step 1

Open the Russian Railways website and follow the link "Passengers". If you have an account on the site, log in or register, if you have not yet got one, and then enter your username and password. After authorization, follow the "Buy a ticket" link.

Step 2

Enter the starting and ending points of the trip and the date of departure in the appropriate fields. If necessary, make a check in the box to select the option "there and back" and enter the date of departure back in the fields that open.

Step 3

On the page with available travel options, you can easily recognize the Sapsan trains by this word after the number and the Russian Railways logo. Choose among them the most suitable in terms of departure time and availability of seats of the required class of service. Check the box next to the train number you want and click "Continue".

Step 4

Select the type of carriage of the required class, focusing on the number of available seats and ticket prices.

Step 5

Enter the personal data of passengers: last name, first name and patronymic, type of document (passport, birth certificate or other - selected from the list provided) and its number and series. If children are traveling with you, select the fare option that is available for their age (children with or without a seat) and enter the child's date of birth in the field that opens.

Step 6

Check your order information. If you find a mistake, go back to the desired page and fix it. After making sure everything is in order, go to the payment page.

Step 7

Enter your bank card details into the payment form (number, owner's name, expiration date, code on the back). Give a command to process the payment and wait for confirmation that the transaction was successful. Then return to the Russian Railways website using the appropriate link and, if you wish, go through electronic registration. Otherwise, you will have to visit the Russian Railways ticket office with the passports of all passengers to receive paper tickets.

Step 8

When buying a ticket at the railway ticket office, inform the cashier of the departure date and the starting and ending points of the trip, whether you are traveling in one direction, whether only full tickets are needed or there are children or beneficiaries among the passengers. Tell them that you would like to leave by the "Sapsan" and name or choose the desired departure time from the time suggested by the cashier, let us know in which class you would like to go. Show all passengers' passports and other documents. Then check, without leaving the ticket office, whether everything is correct in the tickets.
