The island country of Japan stretches from north to south. Its geographical position has left an imprint on the difference in climatic conditions in the north, center and south. It is impossible to talk about temperature indicators, precipitation and other natural phenomena at a certain time of the year throughout the country. It is necessary to consider in detail each part of it.

Step 1
Northern Japan
The northern part of Japan is the island of Hokkaido with a temperate climate. Local weather conditions are characterized by severe winters with a lot of rainfall. The average winter temperature reaches -10 ° -15 ° C, which is accompanied by daily snowfall. In the cold season, blizzards and snowstorms often occur. Spring frosts can last until mid-April, provoked by cold air masses from the Sea of Okhotsk. In summer the air warms up to + 26 ° С, in August the temperature reaches + 30 ° С. There are about 300 rainy days on the island of Hokkaido throughout the year, which is reflected in the very high humidity.
Step 2
central part
Most of the country is central, including the islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kushu. A milder subtropical climate prevails here. Short warm winters are characterized by rare snowfalls. Temperature indicators in the cold season reach 0 ° С at night and + 5 ° С during the day. Spring comes according to all the laws of nature in March. By the end of the month, the air temperature warms up to + 15 ° С and the famous sakura blossom begins. This is the best time to visit the Japanese Islands. Summers in central Japan are hot and rainy. Temperature indicators in the first half of summer reach + 25 ° С, and in the second half they are equal to + 30 ° С. Only on the coast of the country the most comfortable conditions are established, softening the heat with a cool sea breeze. At the beginning of autumn, the rains stop and the second good time to visit the country begins.
Step 3
Southern islands
The most remote islands of Japan are Okinawa and Ryukyu, which are located in the south of the country. The monsoon climate prevails here with warm winters and hot summers. The great distance from the continent helps to soften the weather conditions in winter. The air temperature at this time of the year reaches + 10 ° С at night and + 17 ° С during the day. Throughout the summer, keep invariably high temperatures of + 25 ° С at night and + 30 ° С during the day. The high humidity is softened by the fresh sea breeze.
Step 4
Weather in Tokyo
The cold weather in Tokyo starts in December and ends in March. From May to October, residents of the capital and guests of the city mainly use their summer wardrobe. An umbrella this season on any day will not be superfluous. In mid-April, spring weather is usually in Tokyo, sakura blooms. This is the best time to visit the city, an abundance of blooming vegetation, numerous flower festivals, and comfortable weather. In August, the city greets tourists with heat; with the arrival of September, the typhoon season begins. Winter in the capital of Japan is dry, sunny, the air temperature usually does not drop below 0 ° C.