The mild climate of Montenegro, located on the shores of the Adriatic, from May to October attracts fans of beach holidays to this country. At this time, Montenegro pleases with pleasant sunny weather with very rare precipitation. In winter, the weather on the coast of Montenegro is mild, warm and humid, while in ski resorts it is snowy, but not too cold.

Naturally, every tourist who has gathered in Montenegro is interested in what to expect from the local weather exactly in the month for which the vacation is scheduled. The main flow of tourists falls on May-October, therefore, during this period, weather reports from Montenegro are most in demand.
Weather in Montenegro during the beach season
The May weather in this country is wonderful: it is not yet hot, but you can already sunbathe, since the average air temperature during the day reaches +20 ° C. The sea is still cool at the beginning of the month, the active swimming season begins in mid-May, when the water warms up to at least +18 ° C.
June weather in Montenegro is very comfortable. Daytime +25 ° C: it is already very warm, sunny, but the sweltering heat has not yet set in. You can sleep at night without air conditioning: pleasant coolness reigns, the temperature is +19 ° C. The sea is amazing: +23 ° C!
July and August are the peak tourist season: hot weather, very warm sea. The thermometer shows +29 ° C, and sometimes more. The Adriatic pleases with a temperature of + 25 ° C. Storms are rare, strong winds are rare. It is not too hot at night, about +21 ° C, but the air conditioner in the room will not be superfluous.
By the end of August, temperatures gradually begin to drop and the velvet season begins in September. At this time, the weather in Montenegro is amazing! September off the coast of the Adriatic is very mild: due to the maritime climate, this month is warmer than May. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the sea warmed up over the summer is reluctant to part with the accumulated heat (by the way, the farther from the coast, the cooler). The average daytime temperature is +23 ° C, the sea is still quite warm: +20 ° C.
In the first half of October, there are still many vacationers in Montenegro, since the weather is favorable for that. Air temperature +21 ° C, sea +20 ° C. It gradually gets colder, waves rise more and more often on the sea, and clouds gather in the sky, pouring down with cool rain. The holiday season can be considered completed in mid-October. But year after year does not happen: sometimes the beaches are empty at the beginning of this month, and sometimes the velvet season is decently stretched.
Low season weather in Montenegro
Late autumn and winter in Montenegro is no longer a time for swimming. But those who are interested in sightseeing holidays in the coastal part of the country will surely like the weather: the average daytime temperature is +14 ° C. The coldest months are January and February, but even at this time the thermometer rarely drops below +12 ° C. The only thing that can spoil the mood is a lingering rain.
But in the mountains of Montenegro there is snow in winter. The average temperature during the ski season in the east of the country is from +2 ° С to -3 ° С, and sometimes the thermometer can drop to -10 ° С.
In March, you can count on warming: on the coast during the day around + 15 ° C. In the mountains, winter lasts a little longer: snow usually lasts until the end of March, and sometimes until mid-April.
In the coastal part of the country, nature blooms in April. On the Adriatic coast of Montenegro, sunbathing is already beginning in mid-April, since the average daily temperature this month is + 17 ° C. You shouldn't swim in the sea, it is still quite cold: +16 ° C. It rains less and less. Everything heralds the coming of the holiday season!