Port Royal was the only port in Jamaica, and all products for export were exported only through it. Although the city was small, it still numbered about two hundred houses and shops, and the local population was about three thousand people.

Port Royal, which is known to many, was located in the Caribbean on the island of Jamaica. Previously, this island was popular with pirates. Prostitution and piracy flourished in the city, thanks to which rivers of gold and money literally flowed through it, the city became very rich. Port Royal was known as a gathering place for all the rabble, and everything bad and negative could happen there.
On June 7, 1692, there was a terrible earthquake. Nothing boded trouble, ships were moored, pirates walked in taverns. Suddenly, the ground around the city of Port Royal shook. Terrible tremors began, giant crevices formed on the surface of the earth, into which whole houses and even neighborhoods fell.
The epicenter of the earthquake, most likely, was not on the island itself, but in the ocean, as a huge wave formed that surged ashore, destroyed all ships and completely flooded the island, including its population. The tragedy happened in a matter of minutes. None of the residents of the city had a chance of salvation. The pirates could not sail, as the wave turned their ships into chips, and after a few minutes they were all swallowed up by the deep sea.
Currently, the city is completely abandoned and almost all flooded by the Caribbean Sea.