Tangshan is a former large metropolis in China. On July 28, 1976, a terrible earthquake struck the city, as a result of which 750 thousand people died.

Until recently, in Tangshan, things were going quite successfully, factories worked here, people worked, coal mined. When a terrible earthquake happened, only a few facts were leaked to the press, a partial truth was written about the scale of the disaster, but the main losses were hidden. For some unknown reason, even the international Red Cross was banned from entering the city.
For some reason, the Chinese authorities wanted to hide this tragedy, behaved as if nothing serious had happened. However, in fact, the Tangshan tragedy was one of the largest and most ambitious in the entire country. The real extent of the tragedy became known only after many years.
It turns out that the city of Tangshan, with a population of one million, was completely wiped off the face of the earth. Once upon a time there were high pipes, noisy factories, large houses, and after the tragedy there was absolutely nothing left here, only a wasteland. Railroad tracks, coal mines, huge buildings, hospitals, everything was buried alive. A colossal number of miners who worked in the mines died on the spot.
Usually, after an earthquake, at least some dilapidated part of the city remains, in Tangshan there is absolutely nothing left, the city was literally wiped off the face of the earth.
In 1978, Tangshan City was partially rebuilt and gradually became a manufacturing city.