The town of Shchelkovo near Moscow is located just 20 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. You can reach it by car, bus or electric train. The latter option is most convenient if you are traveling on your own.

From what station can you get to Shchelkovo
Electric trains leave for the city of Shchelkovo from the Yaroslavsky railway station. To get to it, Muscovites should take the metro to Komsomolskaya station. Both a circular station and a radial station on the Sokolnicheskaya line are suitable. Direction to Yaroslavsky railway station is written in the signs.
Which train to choose
Leaving the metro, you will find yourself at the station square. Travel tickets are sold in the station building, in street windows and in vending machines. The cashier needs to tell the exact destination station and pay for the ticket.
Ticket prices:
- one-time full - 92 p.,
- one-time children (from 5 to 7 years old) - 22 rubles 80 kopecks,
- one-time preferential - 46 rubles,
- pension - free,
- for animals - 22 rubles 80 kopecks,
- bicycle transportation - 60 rubles.
- baby carriages - free of charge.
If you are going to return on the same day, then issue a round-trip ticket. Its cost will be doubled.
If the ticket is already in hand, you need to find out when the desired train leaves. To do this, you need to go to the board, which is located outside the end of the station building. Not every electric train goes to the city of Shchelkovo, only the following three will do:
- Shchelkovo,
- Monino,
- Fryazevo.
Attention! The Fryazevo electric train cannot be confused with Fryazino. Otherwise, he will drive you the other way.
It must be remembered that n Therefore, if you are planning a trip to Shchelkovo, it is better to familiarize yourself with the schedule in advance so as not to get into this "window". The last train before the break will leave at 10.43, and the next one only at 12.44.
How to get to the electric train
There is a turnstile system at the Yaroslavsky railway station. To get to the train, you need to insert the ticket into the slot with the side where the barcode is printed or attach the ticket to the scanner. If the green signal on the turnstile lights up, you can pass. There are the same turnstiles at the Shchelkovo station, so you must keep your ticket until the end of the journey.

Next, find your train (there is a board near each path, where the time and direction are indicated). There is also a sign on the windshield with the name of the train arrival point.
When you enter the train, try to take a comfortable seat. Best of all in the middle of the carriage, by the window. Then you will not be too worried about road traders and musicians, although, of course, it will not hurt to buy ice cream on the road.
During the trip, relax, listen to audio or talk with neighbors, admire the surrounding nature. But be careful, don't miss your station, stops are announced on the radio. If you see that a crowd of people is running around the carriage, do not be alarmed, it is just the controllers who are walking along the train. You don't need to run anywhere, you have everything in order with your ticket.
Have a good trip!