Are you planning a business trip? Or maybe romantic plans for the evening, but the hotel is too expensive? Then renting a hotel "daily" is your way out. However, you should not confuse it with a communal apartment, which is frightening by its name alone.

What is a living room?
The concept of a dormitory is often confused with other types of housing, especially realtors who want to rent an ordinary dorm room at a higher price. However, the shared kitchen and bathroom have nothing to do with the living room.
A classic living room is a room of 11-24 square meters with a small entrance hall, a combined bathroom and a kitchen area in the form of a niche.
Features of renting in Kaliningrad
A feature of Kaliningrad, of course, is its proximity to the sea. This advantage allows its residents to often relax on the beach without spending even an hour by car. On the coast of the Baltic Sea there are such cities in the region as Svetlogorsk, Zelenogradsk, Baltiysk.
Recommended areas: Leningradsky, Central, Oktyabrsky and Moskovsky. These are "green" areas with a large number of supermarkets, kindergartens, gymnasiums and schools, provided with good transport links. Although the city itself is not so large, it sometimes does not cope with the traffic flow.
How to choose and rent a living room?
If you figure it out, what could be easier than renting an apartment? You take a newspaper with advertisements and you ring up. But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Rent an apartment far from the city center: you don't need extra gas pollution, and your wallet will not wear out so quickly. Immediately exclude apartments with suspiciously low prices from your search list. Usually there is a catch in such cases: for example, it turns out that this price is "outdated".
Be very careful with the wording in the ad, such as "apartment after cosmetic repairs", as the notorious repair can be too "cosmetic" and will be barely noticeable to the eye, which cannot be said about the cost of the renovated premises.
If the search goes through the Internet, it is better if the photo of the apartment will be attached to the ad, so as not to buy a "pig in a poke". Before concluding a contract, be sure to request an inspection of the apartment so that expectations do not diverge from reality. It will also not be superfluous to photograph the home and the environment in order to avoid unnecessary accusations of damage to property.
If you are registering a hotel through an agency, then several times specify the amount of the commission for the services rendered. Usually it is about 2% of the transaction amount. Often, homeowners require a deposit. To be on the safe side, ask for copies of their identity documents or a receipt, since such frauds are not uncommon. But it is still desirable to provide legal support when signing the contract.
If you are renting without a lawyer, then read the fully signed contract, and especially what is written in small print. Pre-negotiate the time, day and place for the transfer of subsequent payments, so that there are no unpleasant surprises from landlords. Well, it would be superfluous to include this item in the contract.