There is an amazing place in Russia - Primorsky Territory. Possessing a turbulent historical past, saturated with volcanic activity, now it amazes with its tranquility, grandeur and beauty.

In the very south of the Far East, on the shores of the Sea of Japan, there is an amazing, exotic, beautiful in the diversity of its landscape, a magical land, whose name is Primorye. The feeling that all parts of the world seem to have united together - lowlands and high-mountain plateaus, deep lakes and wild sea beaches, spectacular waterfalls and mountain rivers, striking in their majesty and unbridled beauty, regardless of the season - does not leave here. But this is not all that the fabulous Primorsky Territory is rich in.
For connoisseurs of pristine beauty
The stories of local old-timers, who claim that this land is ancient and has seen a lot, do not at all look like fairy tales. This is evidenced by numerous extinct volcanoes, craters of fallen meteorites and caves frightening in their mystery. The extraordinary diversity of flora and fauna, the richness of the taiga and the abundance of the sea depths will provide all guests of Primorye with a rest, rich in a palette of unforgettable impressions. This is a land that will inspire true connoisseurs of untouched, wild, pristine beauty. The majestic cliffs, countless sea bays, desert ridges and the sea, which rests on the very horizon, amaze with their beauty.
Its islands are considered to be the subject of special pride of Primorye. Most of them appear in their primeval state and, fortunately, are still untouched by human civilization. The blue sea, which seems to have no end, sand and a mysterious gray haze enveloping the horizon for a long time will not be erased from the memory of those who at least once had a chance to see such beauty. The nature reserve, located in the Peter the Great Bay, by the way, is the only one of its kind in our country, making every effort to preserve the grandeur and uniqueness of this corner.
2 national parks, 6 nature reserves and 13 nature reserves, collected on the territory of the region, are located both in the deep taiga and on the islands. They allow developing a new direction of recreation in the region - ecological tourism.
Ussuri taiga - the treasury of Primorye
Primorye strikes the imagination not only at sea, but also on land. The Ussuri taiga is not only a storehouse of minerals and vast forests; it is a huge living "organism". There are a lot of inhabitants in the taiga - deer and roe deer, the tiger is the main owner of the Ussuri taiga, lynxes and leopards, a great variety of birds and animals - they all inhabit these endless spaces. It is best to see them with your own eyes in their immediate habitat. But the expositions of local history museums in Vladivostok or in the Lazovsky reserve give a complete picture of the flora and fauna of Primorye.