A biometric passport, or a new passport, can be made both at the place of registration and at the place of actual residence. At the same time, the time required for issuing a passport will differ.

If a foreign passport is issued at the place of registration, the processing time is the same for all citizens and is 1 month from the date of receipt of the application.
As a rule, a foreign passport turns out to be ready even earlier, but the FMS leaves itself time for safety reasons: after all, if the passport is not issued on time, that is, within a month, a citizen has the right to file a complaint or even file a lawsuit. If the delay led to the disruption of a business trip, loss of a voucher or tickets, you can get financial compensation. However, in recent years, the FMS usually does not delay the issuance of a passport.
The delay in issuing a passport beyond the period established by the instructions is unlawful. Employees of the FMS are obliged to meet the checks within the allotted time. If the issuance of your passport is delayed, you can even go to court.
What are the officials doing during the whole month? They send requests to various authorities (FSB, police, bailiff service, etc.) in order to check if there are any reasons that prevent the issuance of a passport to this citizen. Such reasons may be work at a secret facility, outstanding convictions, unpaid administrative fines, claims from bailiffs.
Due to the fact that when checking a non-resident one has to send requests to the place of registration, the period for issuing a passport for citizens who applied in another region is lengthened. For nonresident citizens (this is the official term of the FMS), the period for issuing a passport is four months.
You can apply for a passport in any city in Russia. But if you are not registered in it, the term for registration of the document will increase four times!
The FMS orders have long been heavily criticized. With modern computerization of everything and everyone, spending a whole month on a request is nonsense. And it looks absolutely absurd to check a citizen for four months just because he lives in another region. Electronic requests are sent instantly, and the FMS lives by the standards of the time when requests could only be sent by regular mail.
However, the FMS is gradually getting rid of its bureaucratic legacy. For example, citizens wishing to apply for the issuance of a passport are often interested in whether the registration period depends on the republic of the former USSR in which they were born. This question arises because before the establishment of a uniform time for issuing a passport of one month (at the place of registration), the issuance of this document for Russians born not in Russia, but in other Soviet republics, was somewhat longer than for those born in the RSFSR. This was due to additional checks.
There is a hope that thanks to the informatization of public services, the time required for obtaining a passport will be reduced in the future. As the experiment in Sevastopol has shown, automatic devices issue a general civil passport in less than an hour. Considering that checks can also be fully automated and carried out according to a single database, then the time for issuing a passport under modern technical conditions could be reduced from one month to one hour.
But so far the FMS is not ready for such a radical optimization of its work, so be sure to take into account the real time for obtaining a passport before buying tickets or a ticket!