Don't want to spend all the money you have in stock on the trip again? For budget travelers or those who just want to become such, there is a small set of rules for the trip. Learning to save

Prepare for your trip in advance
This is not only about early booking of tickets or the tour itself, which often saves tourists a considerable amount of money. Almost everyone who travels to an unfamiliar place for the first time is faced with the need to spend money on completely unnecessary items: a map, a taxi to the hotel from the city, fabulously expensive souvenirs or food. All of these costs can be avoided if you prepare for the trip and carefully study the place you are going to.
You can have an expensive meal at a cafe in the city center, and around the corner, just a hundred meters away, there will be another cafe where food is perhaps even better, and prices are several orders of magnitude lower. Agree, it would be nice to have such information in advance. The same goes for exchange offices, shops, souvenir shops and public transport. Be sure to study all the sites with tips and tourist reviews to know what to be prepared for and how to save money.
Calculate your budget in advance
When people go on vacation and take with them a fairly large amount of money, there is a feeling that you can afford quite a lot. Alas, it is almost always wrong. Once you arrive at your destination, the thrill and atmosphere are in your head and planning is already difficult. And why, when you have a lot of money in your pocket? But do not rush to sign up for all available excursions on the very first day and answer "yes" to everyone who offers something interesting to tourists. If your trip is not designed for one day, it makes sense to collect brochures and booklets, study information and prices, and weigh everything in the room in the evening. How much do you plan to spend on food, entertainment, gifts for loved ones … and is there anything left after that? Remember that on any trip, you must definitely reserve an amount in case of unforeseen expenses.
Spend deliberately
This advice may seem trivial, but you shouldn't forget about it. Think carefully, do you need countless souvenirs, mugs, spoons, T-shirts and other nonsense that, as a rule, no one uses for their intended purpose anyway? Perhaps it is better to limit yourself to a couple of magnets for friends, and leave photos and memories for yourself? The same rule applies to food and clothing. You don't need to try everything that seems new and unusual to you. The dishes that attract tourists rarely turn out to be really as tasty as they say, and cheap Chinese fakes, alas, today can be bought not only in Russia, but also abroad.