Traveling abroad, in addition to pleasant experiences, can also significantly empty your wallet. After all, on vacation, you so want to have fun, and not think about saving. Although, of course, you need it if you do not want to return home with empty pockets.

Step 1
One of the common myths is that everything is cheaper abroad. Indeed, there are countries where you can buy things of local production at a lower price. Or some food products are much cheaper than in Russia. Oranges in Spain, for example, or textiles in Turkey. But this is due to the fact that they are produced or grown there, and not with the general economy of the country. In general, global brands are the same in all countries. Simply by bringing branded items from abroad, you will be sure of their authenticity.
Step 2
The easiest way to save money on vacation is to take tours with meals and paid excursions. The well-known all inclusive is distributed only in some countries. Of course, this is convenient when you don't need to spend money on food and entertainment. But such a vacation is suitable only for those who like to lie on the beach. By the way, a good all-inclusive is actually not cheap at all. And it remains to be seen whether you saved or spent on the wind.
Step 3
In Europe, as a rule, hotels operate according to the BB system - breakfast & bad. The rest of the time you will have to eat on your own. In European capitals, prices in cafes and restaurants are not lower than in Moscow. So be prepared to pay 30-40 euros for a modest lunch for two. A way out of the situation may be the presence of a kettle in the room. With boiling water, you can always make a quick bag of soup or noodles, and drink tea or coffee with sandwiches. By the way, European quick soups are not at all what we are used to - they are much tastier.
Step 4
A fast food network is developed abroad. There are always many fast food cafes in popular tourist destinations. Sandwiches or pizza are inexpensive, and you can “recharge” for a long time. The main thing is to calculate in advance how much you will spend on food per day. And from this you will already decide in what level establishments to eat. If you have looked at the menu and realized that it is expensive, do not hesitate to bow and leave. You can sit well at the end of the trip, when you have some extra money left.
Step 5
If you want to travel with excursions, it is not at all necessary to buy them. This makes sense if the trip is out of town and for the whole day. And if you are offered a walking tour, for example, of the Louvre with a guide, feel free to refuse - you can wander around the museums on your own. On the first or second day of arrival, it is better to take a sightseeing tour of the city. On it, the guide will always tell you how you can get to a particular attraction.
Step 6
It is better to make independent trips around the city by public transport. In some cities, it is more profitable to buy tickets at a time of 10, as they are cheaper. Bicycles can be rented in cities with strong cycling traffic. But before you rent a car, consider not only the daily rent, but also the payment for gasoline, toll roads and parking. This is almost always done in favor of the electric train or high-speed metro.