What Are The Highest Mountains In Russia

What Are The Highest Mountains In Russia
What Are The Highest Mountains In Russia

The highest mountain system in Russia is the Greater Caucasus, stretching between the Black and Caspian Seas. Usually, when they talk about the Caucasus Mountains, they are united with the Lesser Caucasus. The highest mountain in Russia - Elbrus - is also located in the Greater Caucasus.

What are the highest mountains in Russia
What are the highest mountains in Russia

Greater Caucasus

The majestic mountains of the Greater Caucasus stretch for more than 1150 km. They begin in the Anapa region and end at the Caspian coast. The width of the mountain range at different sites varies from 32 km to 180 km. Since this chain is very long, it is additionally divided into the Western, Central and Eastern Caucasus.

Very high, these mountains shine with their snow-capped peaks throughout the year. Glaciers in the Greater Caucasus system do not melt even in the hottest summer time. In total, there are more than two thousand glaciers, most of them are in the Central Caucasus, where the highest peaks, including Elbrus, are concentrated.

The flora and fauna in the mountains of the Greater Caucasus is very diverse. Significant and sometimes rather sharp changes in height allow flora and fauna from completely different climatic zones to coexist in a relatively small area.

Unfortunately, hiking in the Caucasus mountains is sometimes difficult due to the fact that the borders of Russia with Georgia and Azerbaijan pass along the Greater Caucasus Range.

Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia

The height of Elbrus is 5642m. This is the highest point not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Locals call this mountain "The Endless Mountain of Wisdom and Consciousness." According to research by scientists, Elbrus was once a volcano, but it has long gone extinct, and now it is completely covered with an impressive layer of ice. However, the presence of mineral springs near Elbrus unambiguously testifies to its past.

Elbrus is also called the Two-headed Mountain, as it has two peaks, and both of them are extinct volcanoes. The eastern peak, whose height is 5621m, is younger, and its volcano bowl is still very clearly visible. The western part is older. The distance between the two peaks is approximately one and a half kilometers.

The mountain was first conquered in 1829, when a team led by General Emanuel went to Elbrus. Today, the Elbrus region is one of the centers of ski tourism; there are many ski trails around it.

Most of the slopes of Elbrus are flat, but the closer to the top, the steeper the mountain becomes. After overcoming an altitude of 4 thousand meters, the steepness of the mountain, on average, is 35 degrees! There are steep slopes from the north and west.

Those who decide to climb Elbrus must be prepared for constant loads associated with a rather sharp climb. All this leads not only to hypoxia, but also to the so-called "miner" - altitude sickness. To cope with it, expeditions spend more time on the ascent than is necessary for the ascent itself, resting and acclimatizing to high-altitude conditions.