Krasnodar. He is Yekaterinograd. He is the capital of the Kuban. The city is interesting for the interweaving of the old center with new districts, constant traffic, a lot of attractions and walking tours.

I want to tell you about the sights of Krasnodar, which did not leave me indifferent.
1. Monument to the purse. Near the business center at 68 Gogol Street is the "Giant Wallet". If you rub it, then money will always be found. And although this huge granite purse was delivered recently, it is popular with guests and locals.
2. Sculpture by Ostap Bender. On Rashpilevskogo Street, near the Golden Calf cafe, you can meet an old friend - Ostap Bender.
3. On Krasnaya Street, near the building of the Kuban Technological Institute - the eternal students Shurik and Lidochka. The monument was erected to inspire students to reason.
4. Monument to dogs. At the intersection of Krasnaya and Mira streets, you can meet walking dogs. Immediately there are Mayakovsky's lines - "This is not a dog's wilderness, but a dog's capital."
5. Guest. This sculpture is located at the intersection of Krasnaya and Severnaya Streets and is made of 700 kilograms of bronze. The "guest" sits with a suitcase and holds an apple in his hands. And the locals say that for good luck it is necessary to rub the left shoe of this man.
6. Monument to detectives of the criminal investigation department. Installed in a public garden at the intersection of Rostov highway and Zipovskaya street. On the red marble monument, the words "Dedicated to loyal duty fighters against crime, detectives of the Kuban Criminal Investigation Department" are engraved in gold letters.
7. “Zaporozhye Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan. The composition is located on Krasnaya Street and is made in the style of urban sculpture.
8. Elephant. The square With an elephant, or as it is officially called - the square named after Sverdlov, is located at the corner of Rashpilevskaya and Mira streets. The main attraction of this park is the elephant fountain with crocodiles around it. And on the elephant is a little negro.
9. Hedgehog in the Fog, Pirate and Sealed Tree. These three interesting sights can be seen in the Gorky City Park. A great place for taking pictures and walking with children.
10. "Aurora". The sculpture is located at the highest point of the city of Krasnodar at the end of Krasnaya Street. This is the image of a Soviet Komsomol member - in an overcoat and with a rifle. The sculpture is made of forged aluminum and represents the belief in a brighter future.