Flights to distant lands are not uncommon today - a vacation or business trip can take thousands of kilometers from your usual place of residence. Such movements are not easy for the body - getting used to the new climate and changing time zones can take several days.

Acclimatization is a rather unpleasant condition, it can be accompanied by severe insomnia, headaches, pressure surges, fever and decreased tone. It is very difficult to concentrate and it can significantly cloud your vacation or business trip. Symptoms of acclimatization usually appear the day after arrival. It is especially hard for young children and the elderly if the climate is significantly different from the usual. In order not to waste precious days on the adaptation of the body, it is worth preparing for the trip in advance.
If you are traveling to a country with time zones that differ significantly from your local area, set yourself up to a new sleep and wake schedule in a few weeks. Go to bed every day and get up earlier (or, on the contrary, later), gradually bringing your regime closer to the country you are going to.
Start taking a course of tonic or multivitamins two weeks before departure. Drops of ginseng, radiola rosea, Chinese magnolia vine or Eleutherococcus help well, they should be taken half an hour before meals three times a day. Drink more green tea, eat fruits and vegetables, and reduce the amount of alcohol you drink (on the day of departure, do not drink it at all). All these measures will help reduce the body's sensitivity to sudden changes in the weather and stress. If you travel to southern countries, visit the solarium several times to help your skin adapt to ultraviolet light.
It is advisable to plan your flight so that you can arrive at your destination at night or late in the evening and go to bed right away - in this case, it will be much easier to fit into the local rhythm. During the flight, drink coffee, but in a foreign country it is better to refrain from it at first, so as not to knock the body down even more. Alcoholic drinks can also worsen the general condition after the flight and exacerbate the unpleasant symptoms of acclimatization.