An unforgettable and full-fledged vacation in Asia can only be obtained if the tourist properly organizes his trip. Before setting off on a long-awaited trip, there are some things to consider. Despite the fact that there are a large number of countries in Asia, there are still some general rules. And in order to maintain safety and health, you need to know them.

Step 1
In most Asian countries, according to the latest WHO data, many tourists get poisoned from eating food served in local restaurants. According to statistics, every second traveler, after eating at least a little, feels general ailments (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, etc.).
Step 2
Food bought in stores must be carefully handled. In it, albeit in small quantities, you need to add pepper. It fights disease-causing microbes and reduces the risk of poisoning. Any fruits and vegetables should be washed with boiled water.
Step 3
Under no circumstances should you drink tap water! Even brushing your teeth and washing your face is better with water (bottled), which you need to buy in advance. The bottle must be hermetically sealed.
Step 4
It is undesirable to take credit cards and large sums of money with you for a walk, as there are many pickpockets in Asia. Each hotel has special cells for storing valuables, money and documents. You need to take with you at least a minimum of money. Before traveling to another country, you need to notify the bank, as the credit card may be blocked.
Step 5
No country in Asia should show its worth. Local residents already consider tourists to be rich and well-to-do people, so they “gladly” rob them.
Step 6
As for the documents, if they are lost, a lengthy recovery procedure will take place. Therefore, in order to reduce your time and the time of consular employees, you need to make copies of all documents and just take them with you.
Step 7
In Asian countries, many locals show open friendliness to travelers. It is worth worrying about this only when a person begins to persistently impose his communication. It is also undesirable to get into the car to a stranger, even if he offers to take you to the right place.
Step 8
It is fashionable in Asia to rent scooters and motorcycles. But more often than not, such trips end in serious accidents in which people die. To protect yourself from an accident, you must not drive in alcoholic intoxication and without a helmet. Before you ride a vehicle, you need to find out whether the insurance company will cover an accident that occurs in an accident.