Traveling abroad in Russia is expensive. Therefore, if you want a long vacation, then the choice often falls on a vacation in Crimea. There are many options for where to live on the peninsula: boarding houses, holiday homes, cottages, apartments, rooms and beds (when only the bed is rented out). The maximum savings can be achieved by renting private housing in Crimea.

It is much more expensive to book a hotel via the Internet than to rent accommodation on the spot. For example, in Sudak, the cheapest double room that could be rented in 2015 in advance through the website cost 800 rubles. In case of a personal appeal to the hostess, already in the city (at a different address), a price of 500 rubles was negotiated. The most inexpensive private housing in Crimea will never appear on the Internet. Most often, it is held by middle-aged women who simply do not know how to use it.
After joining Russia, the phones on the peninsula changed. This affected both city and cell numbers. Therefore, those who went there on a regular basis to the same owners lost contact with them. So far (in 2014 and 2015) the flow of tourists has not been very large. Feel free to go to a familiar address, most likely you will find a free place.
Another easy way to find inexpensive housing in Crimea is to contact friends and acquaintances who have recently been there and learned new contacts of hotels and apartments. Another option is to rent private housing in Crimea already in place. Many are afraid to do this. In fact, there are so many offers of apartments and other housing that there are no difficulties.
Taxi drivers are well versed in housing prices and know where the worthy owners are. So, on the way to the city, you can ask the driver for such information. But don't dwell on the first sentence. Stop by at 3-4 addresses and only then make a choice. Surely, first you will be taken to intermediaries, and only then to the owners, from whom it is much cheaper to rent private housing in Crimea.
Apartments in the city are somewhat more expensive. If you drive to the outskirts to the private sector, from where you go a little further to the beach, then the prices there will be much lower. Moreover, this pattern applies not only to living, but also to food.
If you come by bus or your own transport, do not call on the first advertisements seen at the entrance to the city or at the bus station. The deeper into the city you go, the less passable places there (fewer people walk), therefore the prices will be lower.
As a last resort, keep in mind: private housing in Crimea is rented at almost every address. By ringing any door, you will find an option for a room or apartment. And if there are no more places, the owner will easily advise you which of the neighbors has fewer guests and you can stay.
Those who plan to rent an apartment in Crimea already upon arrival there should take into account the only caveat: it is better to go to the addresses in search of a suitable option in the daytime. It is more convenient for you and more tactful in relation to the owners.