You can buy a train, bus, ship or plane ticket by contacting the ticket office or travel agency. You can also do this without leaving your computer, on the website of the carrier or intermediary. However, not all companies are represented on the global network. Some of them sell tickets only the old fashioned way - through the ticket office.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - money;
- - computer, Internet access and bank card when purchasing tickets through the global network.
Step 1
If you are buying a plane ticket, it is best to compare the offers of different airlines on a website that offers options from different carriers and choose the most suitable conditions. Then, if the airline has a website, you should go to it: sometimes you can take the same option there cheaper, but it can be vice versa.
Further, depending on your preferences and the possibilities offered by the carrier, you can contact the ticket office with the passports of all passengers or enter the necessary data through the online order form.
In most cases, it is not required to issue a paper ticket after that; it is enough to present your passport at check-in.
Step 2
It is more profitable and convenient to buy a train ticket on the Russian Railways website (intermediaries, as a rule, charge a commission of several hundred rubles). Electronic check-in is possible for the majority of trains on Russian domestic routes. After going through it on the website and buying a ticket, you just need to inform the conductor when boarding the train that you have an electronic ticket and show your passport.
If you did not pass, you will have to go to any cashier for a paper ticket. You must have your passport and order number with you. There is no need to pay extra for this, but such tickets are issued without a queue.
You cannot buy a ticket via the Internet to non-CIS countries, with the exception of the Baltic countries. Such travel documents are issued only at the international ticket office.
Step 3
The sale of online tickets for buses and river vessels is increasingly becoming a practice abroad, while in Russia it is still not widespread. The chances of getting such a service are when buying tickets for buses traveling abroad (companies Eurolines, Ecolines and the like) and ferries connecting St. Petersburg with Helsinki and Stockholm.
But when planning movements abroad, such offers on the websites of the carriers and intermediaries themselves can be found enough. They usually do not have a Russian version, but they usually have an English version.
You can also buy tickets online for trains of some foreign railways. Mostly in domestic traffic, but sometimes internationally.
Step 4
The technology of buying a ticket via the Internet is generally the same everywhere, but there may be small nuances.
You enter your data: name and surname, number and series of your passport (or passport, if you are going abroad), pay by bank card, fix the order number or print out a paper confirmation of purchase.