To leave on the scheduled day, take care of purchasing a train ticket in advance. Travel documents, especially for dates preceding the holidays - May 1 and 9, New Year's holidays, and Russia's Independence Day - are sold out very quickly.

It is necessary
- - general civil passport;
- - birth certificate;
- - international passport.
Step 1
To purchase a ticket at the train station for the desired date, go there forty-five days before the train departs. This is when travel documents go on sale. This does not apply to international trains. You can buy a ticket with them two months before the departure date.
Step 2
You can buy a ticket for trains traveling in all directions at any railway station. In addition, Russian Railways ticket offices are located at many metro stations and in large settlements. There you can buy tickets at no extra charge.
Step 3
To purchase a travel document for a train going abroad, contact the special window with the inscription "International ticket office". It is at every station.
Step 4
To issue a ticket, give the cashier the originals or photocopies of identity documents. It can be a regular passport, birth certificate or a foreign passport. Conscripts must present a duly issued permission from the command and a coupon for a free travel ticket. Beneficial categories of citizens are required to provide a document confirming the benefits.
Step 5
Name the departure and arrival station, and the dates when you plan to leave. Tell the cashier if you need underwear and insurance. If you do not warn, all these services will be included in the price automatically.
Step 6
To get a ticket at the terminals located at all railway stations in the capital, make a purchase via the Internet first. To do this, register on the website In the right column on the home page, select Buy a ticket. Fill in the required fields and indicate the number of the card from which the money for the travel document will be charged. Print out the email with the code that came to your inbox. Go to the station and enter the password on the scoreboard in the terminal. He will print the required ticket for you.