What Tax Has Spain Introduced For Tourists?

What Tax Has Spain Introduced For Tourists?
What Tax Has Spain Introduced For Tourists?

Spain is a traditional holiday destination for a large number of foreigners, including a considerable number of Russians. And not in the holiday season, the number of tourists in this country is very large - in just a year they are recruited more than 50 million. However, this summer, travelers arriving in the country will be greeted there with an unpleasant surprise - an additional tax levy.

What tax has Spain introduced for tourists?
What tax has Spain introduced for tourists?

Spain is now going through far from the best times, and economic difficulties affect all spheres of the country's life, including the tourism business. The new government of this state is faced with a tough need to reduce the budget deficit, which in 2011 approached 9% - this is three times the limit allowed for members of the European Union. The government uses spending cuts and tax increases as the main measures to tackle the problem. These measures will be experienced not only by Spanish "state employees", but also by foreign tourists. Of course, the loss of tourists does not compare with the deterioration of the situation of local workers, but nevertheless, everyone who arrives in the country will have to pay an additional 7 euros.

These new costs are a consequence of the introduction in Spain of a new tax collected in the form of an airport tax. Its amount may differ at different airports in the country. For example, in the capital's airport "Baraias" will now have to pay 14 euros and 44 cents instead of the previous 6 euros and 95 cents. And those who go to Catalonia via the El Prat airport in Barcelona will have to pay a fee one euro less - 13, 44 instead of the previous 6, 12. Moreover, those who have purchased tickets even before its introduction will have to pay an additional tax. - some airlines send appropriate notifications to their customers. On average, the airport tax in Spain has grown by 18, 9% - this figure is quoted by the Association of European Travel Agencies.

Perhaps, to some extent, another manifestation of the crisis will be able to compensate tourists for the negative consequences of the Spanish crisis. As one of the measures to combat unemployment, the government plans to cancel the traditional three-hour siesta for large shopping centers. This means that the working hours of shops in Spain will increase by a quarter.
