Hong Kong is full of tourist attractions and the number of them is constantly growing. In the summer of 2012, the Polar Adventure Park opened with polar animals and attractions for adults and children. The purpose of the new entertainment center is not only to diversify people's leisure time, but also to draw their attention to environmental problems.

The magnificent Ocean Park of Hong Kong has been expanded with a new sector - the polar one. This huge entertainment center has existed for 35 years; hundreds of thousands of tourists with children visit the park. And now they will be able to see more than a hundred species of animals living at both poles of the planet. Polar Adventure is designed to remind visitors of protecting the earth's nature.
The park consists of two pavilions, in which tourists are introduced to the nature of the South and North Poles. At Polar Adventure, you can see polar foxes, snowy owls, sea lions, walruses, fur seals, seals, penguins and other animals that are difficult to observe in their natural environment.
The device of the park displays the nature of the poles as realistically as possible. There are no high partitions with thick chains that enclose the animals. The lighting of the pavilions imitates polar conditions, and even such a mysterious phenomenon as the northern lights, visitors can observe in Polar Adventure.
The area of the park is simply huge - about 14,000 square meters. Animals are not crowded in this area, which brought Antarctica closer to the Arctic. Whole teams of specialists take care of pets, including qualified veterinarians. Polar animals are examined and the slightest changes in their health are monitored. Animals receive food exactly what they eat in their natural habitat.
You can walk around the Polar Adventure all day long, because the active, funny animals do not let visitors get bored. Whole flocks of penguins dive in the blue illuminated water, and it looks like a specially planned show. Cubs of walruses, seals and seals are touched by their touching and trustfulness. But if you are determined to spend several hours in the polar park, it is worth taking care of warm clothes.
Some of the proceeds from Polar Adventure ticket sales go to various environmental charities.