How To Overcome A Plateau

How To Overcome A Plateau
How To Overcome A Plateau

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Sooner or later, the problem of overcoming the plateau is faced by everyone who works to lose weight and improve their physical shape. This is the period when you make an effort to keep your weight loss going, but the effect is almost nil.

How to overcome a plateau
How to overcome a plateau


Step 1

Assess your nutritional system. The food should be varied; the diet must include vegetables and fruits. Frozen vegetables are not the best option, try to eat them fresh rather than frozen.

Step 2

Give yourself some rest. There should be breaks between strength training - at least one day. If you do not give your body rest, then the muscles simply will not have time to recover, and as a result - a state of weakness and fatigue, an increase in the plateau effect. Recovery can also be active - walking before bed, doing yoga, going to the sauna. You judge what is best for you.

Step 3

Get enough sleep. Sleep is the time when micro-tears in the muscles are repaired; during sleep, about 50 calories per hour are lost. Sleep time should be 8 hours. Sleeping less can actually interfere with effective weight loss.

Step 4

Increase the load in your workouts. Even if you increase the number of repetitions by 2 times, it will help you get off the ground in your weight loss. Add new exercises to your workout, slightly increase the duration of the session, and shorten the breaks between sets. Change your training frequency.

Step 5

Check your hormones. Sometimes it happens that the weight does not go away due to hormonal imbalance, to find out this, a visit to an endocrinologist will help.

Step 6

Assess if you have the right motivation. If you want to lose weight, but at the same time think that "By and large, and so will do", then it is quite possible that you allow yourself too much food, do not strictly adhere to a diet and do not give all the best during exercise in the gym.

Step 7

Take another look at the scales and in the mirror - perhaps you have reached your ideal weight and you are comfortable in it. It is possible that further weight loss will harm you, and your body resists this.
