Where To Go With Children On Vacation

Where To Go With Children On Vacation
Where To Go With Children On Vacation

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In Russian schools, vacations for children are arranged four times a year. The longest are in the summer. This time can be devoted to a trip to the sea or to visit relatives in the village. Short ones - in autumn and spring. But they can also be carried out with benefit, for example, at a camp site. Winter holidays coincide with holidays and allow parents to go with their children to a ski resort or to warmer regions.

Where to go with children on vacation
Where to go with children on vacation


Step 1

Children are looking forward to summer holidays. Still, three months of freedom from school and lessons. And leaving them for this period in the city would not be too humane. Better to devote time to recovery before the new school year. You can get a charge of vivacity and vitamins at sea. Now, with the majority of passports, this is not at all difficult. Very budgetary you can go to Bulgaria or Greece. A trip for a month with a child to a 3-4 star hotel will cost about 1000 euros. Just to meet this amount, you need to book a hotel and tickets in advance, in winter.

Step 2

Holidays in autumn and spring occur during rather cold periods. There is little time for a trip to the sea, but you can do wellness close to home. If you can't go to nature for a short time - to a holiday home or a camp site - sign up for the pool, or even better, visit the water park a couple of times. In many of them, saunas and speleo chambers are installed, in which a special microclimate is maintained, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the bronchopulmonary system, which most often suffers in schoolchildren.

Step 3

Winter holidays are a great reason to visit one of the ski resorts or get out to the sea. Unfortunately, New Year's holidays are considered “high season”, so you won't be able to save much money on your trip. You can get a discount on the hotel if you book it in advance. But air carriers during this period set maximum prices. You can catch a cheaper burning ticket, but there is a risk that they will not be available, or the date of departure-arrival is not suitable.
