Alnwick Gardens - A Dangerous Excursion

Alnwick Gardens - A Dangerous Excursion
Alnwick Gardens - A Dangerous Excursion

If you want to tickle your nerves, then you can visit the unusual botanical garden Alnwick, located in Northern England, Northumberland. In the Alnwick Gardens, poisonous plants are collected that can cause irreparable harm to the health and even the life of a tourist who decides to go on an excursion to this unusual place.

Alnwick Gardens - a dangerous excursion
Alnwick Gardens - a dangerous excursion

The Duchess of Northumberland, Jane Percy, decided to transform Alnwick Gardens into something special. There are no usual plants here, along the entire perimeter of the garden you can find many prohibition signs, warning signs and barriers.

You can get a lethal dose of poison just by touching some plants.

Visitors to Alnwick Gardens are at a relatively safe distance from the deadly exhibits, but there are several known cases of tourists passing out from the toxic fumes.


The garden is attended by groups of schoolchildren. Opium poppy, cannabis and coca grow here. These exhibits serve as a visual aid for the younger generation. Guides tell teenagers about the harmful effects of drugs on the human body.

In 2005, a large-scale reconstruction began in the garden. In the beginning, there were medicinal plants, but they were soon eradicated in order to preserve the garden's reputation as a collection of killer plants.

Some of the exhibits presented here have strange properties. For example, Angel's Trumpet begins to act as an aphrodisiac after its toxic effect ends.

Duchess Jane Percy believes that the usual excursions to the botanical gardens are no longer so interesting for schoolchildren, but here they can really realize how drugs are destroying millions of human lives.
