Starting your own business will help you to succeed abroad. At first glance, opening a business, and even in America, is quite difficult. A competent approach to developing a startup and attracting investment will increase the likelihood of successful development.

Step 1
Starting a business, especially in America, requires careful study. In the West, there is already a well-functioning mechanism for the implementation of business plans, if you also take into account the possibilities of using the Internet, it will become much easier to develop your project. Start developing your development plan.
Step 2
Find websites online where you can find investors. Most often, they use the Kickstarter site to post their idea. The more people like the project, and they believe in its reality, the more investments will be credited to your account. However, remember that in case of bankruptcy, the money will have to be returned in full.
Step 3
In a business project, describe all the key points, idea and relevance of this range of activities. Take into account and calculate the possible risks, present the future project as clearly and clearly as possible. Such work will make it clear whether the project is actually viable, and will also help build relationships with future partners who are interested in a promising direction.
Step 4
Analyze similar projects. It is worth evaluating not only the successful, but also those that have failed. Gather as much information as possible, explore all possible options. When drawing up your own project, consider the factors of the American market.
Step 5
Publish the project by registering a company, or ask a friend for help, or involve an intermediary in this procedure.
Step 6
Register a company and open an account. Get EIN (Employ ID Number). It will be enough to open an account. Then go through the visa exchange procedure. You need to change your American visa to L1 or E2.