France is a true foodie's paradise. There are many restaurants, cafes and bistros in this country. Every day, French chefs prepare various snacks, desserts, soups and main courses that delight tourists with their taste and aroma.

Roasted chestnuts
The French love chestnuts, they are added to various dishes - salads, mousses, soups and cereals. A true culinary masterpiece is a dessert - "Maron Glace", which consists of chestnuts and sugar syrup.
In October, France celebrates the Chestnut Festival. On this day, the smell of fried chestnuts soars on the streets of the country, and culinary competitions are held between the restaurateurs - everyone seeks to cook a new, unusual-tasting dish from these fruits.
Onion soup
Onion soup is rightfully considered one of the most popular dishes in France. It consists of caramelized onions, broth, croutons and cheese. In some cases, cognac, sherry or wine are added to the soup.
The origins of French onion soup are legendary. According to one version, Louis XV himself was its inventor, according to another, market traders and loaders were supported by onion stew. Be that as it may, but this soup must be included in the menu of the gastronomic tour, because without it it is impossible to get acquainted with the cuisine of France.
Foie gras
The most delicate pate made from goose or duck liver is considered an indicator of luxury and a symbol of gastronomic chic. Poultry for foie gras is grown in special conditions, intensively fattening.
In expensive French restaurants, this dish is prepared with the addition of truffles, spices, and cream. Foie gras is served with dried fruits, marmalade, fresh fruit.
Traveling in France is an opportunity to taste real croissants. Croissants are baked from puff pastry with the addition of fatty butter. Those with a sweet tooth can choose pastries filled with cream, jam, fruit, preserves, and chocolate. Another option is unsweetened fillers: ham, cheese, feta cheese, vegetables.
Croissants are served with coffee, hot chocolate or tea. Croissants are considered the culinary symbol of the country.
Alcoholic drinks
Popular alcoholic drinks in France are champagne, wine, cognac, armagnac, calvados, cider. It is believed that real champagne can be tasted only in this country. For its preparation, special grapes are grown in the Champagne region.
The French use wine not only as a drink, but also as a marinade for meat and fish dishes.
For lovers of light alcoholic beverages, cider is suitable, the strength of which is 5-7% by volume, it is prepared from apple juice. Another apple drink, but with a higher degree, is calvados, it is called apple vodka.