Egypt is wildly popular with tourists from all over the world. And this is not surprising: in the land of the pharaohs, you can relax beautifully, comfortably and at the same time not to fork out too much. To keep the days spent under the Egyptian sun in your memory for a long time, you should definitely bring some souvenir from your vacation.

The abundance of goods in the souvenir shops of Egypt scatters the eyes of even the most sophisticated tourist. Perhaps one of the common souvenirs is aromatic oil. It can be purchased in almost every Egyptian store. Their assortment is breathtaking! Local sellers are eager to share with tourists the secrets of making miraculous aromatic cocktails. A hip scarf is a great souvenir for your beloved friend, mom or wife. This stuff is also enough in any local shop. Shawls can be embroidered with beads, monists or bugles. Their color scheme is amazing. Hookah is one of the symbols of Egypt. It can be a pretty practical souvenir for friends and a great way to relax at home, sitting comfortably on the couch and sipping strong tea with sweets or sipping something stronger. In addition, a real oriental hookah will be a good decoration for almost any interior. Kaf Maryam is an invariable attribute of many Egyptian shops. This is a basket with bunches of dried grass. Translated from Arabic, the name of this plant means "hand of Mary". It seems that this is a simple dry grass, but if you put it in water for a couple of days, it will come to life and bloom with tiny flowers of a sky-colored color. The Egyptians believe that Kaf Maryam brings great success in business. Chasing is another good souvenir from Egypt. Many shops with similar items can be found in Old Hurghada. Plates with Arabic patterns and artistically decorated hookahs are in great demand among tourists. These shops are worth visiting, even if you don't want to buy anything from them: the feeling is like in a museum. An excellent souvenir from Egypt can be hibiscus tea, which is based on hibiscus flowers. This tea has a bright red color, pleasant sourness. Apart from that, it is extremely useful. Hibiscus purifies the blood and gives strength. No wonder the Egyptians themselves call it "the drink of the pharaohs". It is better to buy it in local markets. Papyrus has been on the list of the most popular Egyptian souvenirs for a long time. Souvenir papyrus usually depicts Egyptian pharaohs, deities, or hieroglyphs. It is best to buy papyrus from specialized workshops. When purchasing souvenirs in Egypt, you should be careful. For example, the Egyptians' pyramids, sarcophagi, sphinxes and jackals are symbols of death. In addition, it is forbidden to export corals and shells from the state, since they are considered a national treasure.