How To Choose A Compound Bow

How To Choose A Compound Bow
How To Choose A Compound Bow

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Hunting compound bows have become very popular due to the exclusivity of hunting with such rare equipment and the opportunity to take a position "on an equal footing" with nature. The choice of bow depends on the skill of the shooter, hunting style, shooting distance and the amount of weight that the archer can freely hold in his hands.

How to choose a compound bow
How to choose a compound bow


Step 1

Although the round blocks are the slowest, they continue to be the most accurate and quietest. These tools are easy to set up and vibrate little. The round block is most suitable for shooting at fixed distances. However, the arcuate trajectory of an arrow fired from such a device prevents it from being particularly popular with hunters. Soft blocks have all the advantages of being round, and still generate enough speed for hunting.

Step 2

Rigid blocks give the arrow a high speed, but their tendency to draw the bowstring leads to a setup failure. With such a block, it is more difficult to shoot accurately, it is more noisy and needs particularly careful lubrication. Most of all, this type of weapon is suitable for an experienced archer, for whom speed outweighs the inconvenience associated with concentration when shooting.

Step 3

The single unit is a simple round and rigid block. The tool is easy to set up as it is equipped with a single rotating block. It is silent and allows you to achieve the same speed as when firing a double block.

Step 4

Also pay attention to the handle, as its design and shape will affect the performance and functionality of the bow. The concave handle, which allows you to achieve high speed by reducing the base, that is, the distance between its center and the bowstring, is easy to distinguish by its bend. It is opposite to the direction of curvature of the shoulders.

Step 5

The curved handle, unlike the previous one, follows the curvature of the shoulders. A similar design, increasing the base, transfers the arrow to a lower speed, but it allows to increase the marksman's accuracy. The straight handle is closer in its characteristics to the concave one, however, its bend is less pronounced. It makes bows comfortable and fast.

Step 6

The material from which the handle is made has almost no effect on the accuracy, durability and performance of the bow. Cast handles are heavier and thicker than stamped ones, but the latter, due to their lightness and smaller diameter, are comfortable for most hands.
