This is the place worth visiting at least once! "The country of morning freshness" - this is how Koreans like to call their Motherland and, perhaps, one can agree with them. It's really beautiful there. Arriving there, you understand that you are in a fairy tale. Many who go there will be surprised by very beautiful festivals, golden skyscrapers, girls will try on kimonos, and try wonderful Korean cuisine. Also there are very kind and nice people. Home and warm welcome guaranteed.

I would like to talk about the huge port city of Busan. There are a lot of parks and excursion routes in the city. South Korea is famous for the fact that it has preserved its history, culture, temples, which amaze with their unusual beauty. Also in Korea there is the largest fish market - Jagalchi in Busan. It includes endless rows of fish shops, where you can find crabs, snails, and other sea creatures that many have not seen.
Also, I hasten to note that Koreans have one rule, if live food should be eaten raw, and not a live product should be prepared. Therefore, do not be very alarmed if an octopus runs from your plate, operate quickly, as they brought a delicacy!
Exhausted by walking along such beautiful views, you can look into a restaurant where they prepare Korean chicken soup with rice, chestnut and ginseng root. This is a very tasty and healthy dish - Samgetan!
Many will be surprised by the hotel in Korea "Paradise". It can delight real gourmet tourists. A casino operates on its territory around the clock. If someone has never been to the hot springs, then this can be fixed. Any tourist is given the opportunity to experience an unforgettable experience. These places acquire a special charm in winter. Tourists have the opportunity to relax in hot springs in the fresh air, surrounded by snow.
Currently in Korea, there are more than seventy natural hot springs, where there are tourist resorts and spa centers.
South Korea is famous for its amazingly beautiful palaces. One of the royal palaces in the Land of Morning Freshness is Gyeongbokgung. It is called the northern palace because of its location. In front of the entrance there are two mythical animals Khetkhe they protect the palace from fire.
South Korea is an unusual country also famous for its traditional medicine. It differs in that it has preserved its ancient roots, so the Koreans are well aware of such unconventional methods of treatment as acupuncture, acupuncture, and treatment with various herbs.
You can talk endlessly about this culture, but it is best to see everything with your own eyes. Anyone who travels to South Korea will have a wonderful, unforgettable journey!