Where Can You Go To Relax In The Fall

Where Can You Go To Relax In The Fall
Where Can You Go To Relax In The Fall

Summer is the time for vacations. However, it also happens that the vacation falls in the fall. Do not despair! Autumn is a great time: it is not very hot anymore, and there are fewer vacationers in the resorts. Therefore, you can safely pack your bags and go on a pleasant vacation.

Where can you go to relax in the fall
Where can you go to relax in the fall

There are many places on our planet where the weather is beautiful in autumn, when you can swim and sunbathe. Thailand welcomes its guests almost all year round. But in autumn in Thailand the rush hour for tourists begins. By this time of the year, tropical rains come to an end here, there is no exhausting heat, and the air temperature reaches + 29-32 ° C at a sea water temperature of + 27-29 ° C.

And Egypt will welcome tourists with its beautiful weather. The only drawback here is that the season of gusty winds begins at this time, but this does not frighten anyone.

Diving enthusiasts can visit the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. This is the most amazing time of the year when you can watch exotic fish and a variety of underwater beauty. Also here you can see coral breeding and mating of huge whales. Large turtles only on this Reef lay their eggs in the fall - this can also be seen there.

Those who want an unforgettable experience can be advised to visit Cuba. If you want something exotic, you should definitely visit Mecca or Mali. You can enjoy the solitude and silence on the beach in Goa, where there are very few tourists at this time, and the warm sea and gentle sun always delight guests.