Spain is one of the European countries that have signed the Schengen agreement. Most residents of Russia make a Spanish visa to visit one of the resorts of this country, while the presence of the cherished sticker in the passport opens up much wider horizons.

Step 1
Since Spain is part of the Schengen zone, you can visit any country of the Schengen agreement on its visa. For the summer of 2014, it includes 26 countries, here is a complete list of them: Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia, Liechtenstein. All these countries can be entered with a Spanish visa completely free.
Step 2
A Schengen visa gives the right to visit other countries that have a facilitated visa regime for everyone who can move around Europe. These are the states that are preparing to join Schengen: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Albania, Croatia, Romania, Macedonia.
Step 3
There are also 3 dwarf countries that are not officially included in the Schengen area, but do not have border controls, so you can safely visit them with a Spanish Schengen visa: these are Monaco, the Vatican and San Marino. Another dwarf country, Andorra, carries out selective border control. If you enter Andorra, you are officially leaving the Schengen area, so you need a multivisa for such a trip. Andorra itself is visa-free for Russian citizens. Usually they check those who are driving, but tourists on buses do not look at their passports.
Step 4
Spain owns separate enclaves in North Africa and several islands - sovereign territories. Since they belong to Spain, they are considered part of the Schengen area, so they can also be visited with a Spanish visa. These territories belong to Spain since the time of the Reconquista, the country has held them for a long time.
Step 5
Ceuta and Melilla are the two largest Spanish enclaves in Africa. Other islands belonging to Spain: Chafarinas, Alusemas, Perejil, Alboran. Also under the control of this country is the Peninsula de Velez de la Gomera. The island of Perejil is located near Ceuta and is still the cause of controversy between Spain and Morocco. You can visit these territories not only with a Spanish tourist visa, but also with a national one.
Step 6
Be careful when visiting the Spanish enclaves in Africa: border guards are extremely rare and reluctant to check passports at the borders, they may forget to put a stamp and not enter your passport into the database. This can create problems for you in the future, so it is recommended that you find the border guards yourself and ask them to put you entry and exit stamps in your passport.