Traveling by train is traditionally popular among Russians due to its relative cheapness. If you urgently need to find out how much a ticket for the desired flight costs, but there is no way to quickly go to the railway ticket offices, use one of the following methods.

It is necessary
Phone or Internet access, passport data (for buying a ticket)
Step 1
Information about the fare can be found by calling the unified information and service center of JSC Russian Railways at 8-800-775-00-00 (free call). The electronic answering machine will prompt you to select the desired item in the help menu by pressing a certain phone number in the tone mode. It is possible to obtain information through the voice menu. To do this, clearly state the date of the intended departure, as well as the points of destination and departure. If you need operator assistance, select the appropriate number.
Step 2
If you have Internet access, you can easily find up-to-date information on the official website of Russian Railways. To view the flight schedule and the availability of seats in the carriages, just select the "Passengers" section, and then enter the search parameters you need in a special form.
Step 3
If you are satisfied with the price, and the required seats are on sale, you can also purchase a ticket. True, for this you will have to go through a simple registration procedure on the site and enter your personal account using your login and password. Payment can be made by credit card, but only if there is a three-digit CVV2 card authentication code (CVC2) on its reverse side.
Step 4
Orders paid by you can be seen in your personal account in the "My Orders" section in the menu on the left. Cancellation of an order after payment and a refund to a bank card via the Internet is not carried out, you will have to go to the railway ticket office. The money for the unused ticket is credited to the bank card with which you paid for the trip, within a month from the date of the refund at the box office.