If you are going to travel by plane, keep in mind that you will need to clearly calculate your time on the day of departure. Missing your plane without a valid reason will result in the loss of the ticket price. How can a person find out the departure time of his plane?

It is necessary
- - ticket;
- - telephone.
Step 1
The easiest way to find out the departure date is to check it with a ticket. Take your paper ticket or open the e-ticket. Find the English word Departure, which means "Departure." Next to it will be the departure time according to the time zone of the airport from which the plane will take off.
Step 2
If for some reason you cannot see the time on the ticket at the moment, find out this information through the airport. Go to the website of the airport of departure, from the main page go to the "Departures" or "Departing passengers" section. In such a section, there should be a virtual scoreboard reflecting the departure of the nearest flights, as well as a list of flights for the next days. Find your own among them according to the alphanumeric code.
Step 3
In the event that your flight is not on the list on the website, call the airport by phone. To do this, find the reference number on the website, dial the required number and explain the situation to the telephone operator. It is best if you can give the flight number, but if there are not frequent flights to your destination country, you just need to specify the day. Record and save the information received.
Step 4
Another way to find out the departure time is to call or personally come to the airline's office. There they will not only provide you with the necessary information, but they will also be able to provide you with a duplicate e-ticket if you have not preserved it.
Step 5
Keep in mind that to board a domestic Russian flight, you will need to arrive at the airport forty minutes before departure, and for an international flight, an hour and a half. This is necessary in order to have time to pass passenger, and on foreign flights - also border control. Therefore, you should use the departure time of the aircraft for the rational calculation of the travel time to the airport.