The period of white nights in St. Petersburg is one of the main visiting cards of the city, the peak of the summer tourist season. At this time, the city on the Neva is especially crowded and lively - both day and night. When are the white nights in St. Petersburg and how long is this magical time?

The period of white nights in St. Petersburg
White nights are the time when the evening twilight merges with the morning, and the night darkness never comes. This natural phenomenon can be observed in the northern regions located at a latitude of at least 60o33 '. The length of the white nights period depends on the geographic location.
The "official" time when the white nights begin in St. Petersburg is June 11, and the end day is July 2. The peak of the white nights falls on the three-day summer solstice, June 21-23, when the length of the day from sunrise to sunset is almost 19 hours (more precisely, 18 hours 51 minutes). The so-called "civil twilight" (during which you can clearly distinguish surrounding objects without additional lighting) at this time begins around midnight and ends at about 2 am.
But in fact, you can watch the white nights in St. Petersburg for longer. Evening twilight here merges with morning twilight, starting from May 25-26 and until July 16-17. The sun at this time does not fall below 9 degrees below the horizon, and darkness as such does not come. At one time in St. Petersburg, it was during this period that night lighting was turned off - the streets are already bright enough.
What happens during the White Nights in St. Petersburg
During the white nights, St. Petersburg is very crowded: in the city center, life is in full swing both at night and during the day. At this time, the traditional festival "Scarlet Sails" is held, something like a city-wide prom for schoolchildren and other celebrations, music festivals and sports competitions.
When there are white nights in St. Petersburg, guests of the city are very actively offered a night program: bus and walking tours, walks along rivers and canals. Traditionally, the highlight of the program is the impressive spectacle of the opening of bridges: the embankments of the Neva are very crowded at night at this time, and cars and tourist buses in the city center sometimes sit in traffic jams for a long time.
Many cafes and shops in the city center are open around the clock at this time. Unfortunately for those who like to walk around St. Petersburg during the White Nights, public transport does not switch to a permanent round-the-clock operating mode: only on the night from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday night buses run, and from the Admiralteyskaya metro station to the Sportivnaya station during the raised bridges, there is a night train. In addition, the metro does not close at all on the night of the Scarlet Sails holiday.
Many believe that during the white nights in St. Petersburg, at night it is as bright as it is during the day. This is not entirely true: for example, in the "twilight hours" in an open space without additional lighting it is difficult to read a book (unless the font is very large), but it is quite possible to play badminton.
"Pitfalls" of the white nights
Arriving in St. Petersburg during the white nights, one must bear in mind that late and short twilight can cause some discomfort. Firstly, during this period, many people in the evenings lose their sense of time, not being able to "navigate by the sun." Therefore, if you go for a walk around the city, and want, for example, to catch the subway - set a "reminder" on your phone, otherwise the night may come unnoticed.
In addition, a white night can be fraught with sleep disorders - not everyone is able to fully sleep in the light. In such cases, blackout curtains and "adjustment" of the personal schedule for daylight hours save. If you have difficulty falling asleep, it is best to go to bed right after midnight, when twilight is just beginning to come and the illumination, albeit not very strong, is still declining.