How To Get A US Green Card

How To Get A US Green Card
How To Get A US Green Card

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The presence of a green card means the right to permanently reside in the United States. Obtaining permanent resident status is quite difficult, as it is necessary to belong to one of the following categories of people: children of American citizens, their spouses and relatives (brothers and sisters), skilled and unskilled workers, spouses and unmarried children of permanent residents of the United States. There is an annual quota for each category. In addition, a green card can be won in the Ethnic Diversity Green Card Lottery or received as a refugee.

How to get a US green card
How to get a US green card


Step 1

Green cards are of two types: unconditional, i.e. constant and conditional, i.e. temporary. Conditional green cards are issued by marrying a US citizen. They are valid for 2 years. If, after this period, the marriage persists, then the green card becomes unconditional.

Step 2

Obtaining a green card is always a rather lengthy procedure. You must fill out an application for obtaining permanent resident status, obtain an immigration visa. Within 6 months of receiving an immigrant visa, you must come to the United States and file a petition for a green card. If you do not arrive in the United States on time, you will no longer be eligible to file a petition. Depending on the basis on which you can get a green card, the process is complemented by other stages, the applicant is obliged to provide certain documents. For example, if you work in the United States, then the employer must collect a certain package of documents for you and attach it to the petition.

Step 3

A green card gives the owner the right to live and work in the United States, get an education, and enjoy the social privileges of Americans. In addition, after 5 years, the green card holder can petition for American citizenship. However, it is worth remembering that the owner of a green card is also obliged to pay taxes and not break the law, otherwise it may be deprived of it. In addition, he is not allowed to leave the United States for more than 6 months.

Step 4

Every year, the US Department of State conducts a drawing of 50,000 immigrant visas, which entitles their holders to receive a green card. To do this, you need to fill out the appropriate form on the website It is worth noting that not everyone has the right to receive a green card in this way: the participant in the drawing must have a secondary education or two years of work experience, be mentally healthy and not convicted.
