Eagle is one of the cities of the first fireworks, which bears the title of "City of Military Glory". It was founded in 1566 by order of Ivan the Terrible. If you come to Oryol in search of cultural entertainment or just to get to know the city a little, you can visit its most famous places.

Eagle is often called the literary capital, since famous Russian writers and researchers lived in it at different times: Ivan Turgenev, Nikolai Leskov, Leonid Andreev, Ivan Bunin, Afanasy Fet, Dmitry Pisarev, Mikhail Prishvin, Mikhail Bakhtin, Marko Vovchok and others. The politician Gennady Zyuganov and one of the muses of the great poet Pushkin, Anna Kern, were born in the Oryol region, to whom he dedicated the lines: "I remember a wonderful moment …". By the way, Alexander Sergeevich himself visited Orel, as evidenced by a memorial plaque on the street named in his honor. In connection with the names of a whole galaxy of writers in Orel, it is worth visiting the houses-museums of Leskov, Turgenev, Andreev, Bunin, Bakhtin. In the Oryol region, there is the famous Spasskoye-Lutovinovo - the family estate of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, where tourists from different cities and countries come annually. The name of this writer is also associated with the Noble Nest - the scene of the novel of the same name, with the preserved house of Liza Kalitina. Unlike Spassky, to walk around the Noble's nest, you just need to get out to the city center. If the purpose of your visit is a pilgrimage, then there are more than a dozen active temples and churches in the city, including a man's and a nunnery. It is interesting that even before the Bolsheviks came to power, there were more than 30 churches in Oryol alone. In the center of the city are the Oryol State Academic Drama Theater. Turgenev, the theater for youth "Free space", the municipal chamber theater "Russian style", as well as a puppet theater. The city has a concert hall, several cinemas, as well as nightclubs, themed cafes, coffee shops, restaurants, bowling and billiards, etc. If you want to take a break from walking around the city, go to the Orlovskoe Polesye National Park … It is located in the Khotynetsky district of the region. This territory is known for the fact that, according to legend, the famous Nightingale the Robber lived here. In woodland you will meet more than two hundred and a half species of rare animals, plants and birds. In addition, on the territory of the reserve there are hotels and equipped places for tourism on the lakes. Lovers of outdoor activities can be recommended to visit the Ice Palace, and in the summer - the hippodrome, where you can watch competitions or ride horses. In Oryol, games are held in airsoft, paintball, stylized medieval battles, in spring and early summer there is an opportunity to go in for parachuting on Pugachevka or watch the game of the local football club at the stadium named after Lenin.