Each of you has probably heard something about the travel diaries. But what is it, why is it needed and how is it to be managed?

People who love travel receive a huge amount of information during their adventures that they would like to remember and remember after many years. To do this, travelers start special diaries, where they write their impressions of the adventures, useful facts, their impressions of a particular place or event.
Nowadays, many travelers keep electronic diaries. Still, paper diaries are more popular.
What are they like? Traveler's diary is a notebook that is convenient to take with you on the road. Usually it is not the largest in size, with a thick cover, so that when traveling, it fits comfortably into any bags and does not wash.
How to keep a travel diary?
To make the diary as informative as possible, there are many rules on how to keep it, here are the main ones:
- Be sure to number all entries.
- When traveling, collect small tickets, brochures, business cards that could be pasted into your diary. Looking at these little things, you will remember your travels with warmth in your soul.
- Take more photos. It is photographs that carry a huge amount of memories, therefore, not sparing yourself, take pictures of nature, sights, people, moments that you would like to remember, and immediately paste them into your diary.
- And, of course, your very travel story. This is an integral part of the diary. Write the impression about this or that event right away, so that later you do not forget the emotions that you experienced earlier.
- Leave room for addresses of hotels, attractions, museums, phone numbers, etc.
So, if you are a big travel lover, then you should definitely keep such a diary. Reading it, you with joy in your soul will again experience those joyful and pleasant emotions that you experienced earlier.