Where In Belaya Kalitva Is The Cossack House Of Creativity

Where In Belaya Kalitva Is The Cossack House Of Creativity
Where In Belaya Kalitva Is The Cossack House Of Creativity

Belaya Kalitva is an ancient city founded in 1703. Nevertheless, the settlement was mentioned for the first time in the "Lay of Igor's Regiment", it was there that the Russian army suffered greatly from the battle with the Polovtsy. Belaya Kalitva is a place that is famous for its Cossacks, so the local children's home for creativity was also given the status of "Cossack".

Where in Belaya Kalitva is the Cossack House of Creativity
Where in Belaya Kalitva is the Cossack House of Creativity

Orphanage of creativity in Belaya Kalitva

Belaya Kalitva is famous not only for its historical sights, but also for its Cossack culture. But the town is small, so there is no big art gallery in it. But there is the House of Children's Creativity, which is located on Kalinin Street, house 21. This institution was officially given the name "Cossack". There is no other Cossack house of creativity in Belaya Kalitva.

There is a Center for the patriotic and Cossack education of children and youth at the House of Creativity. On the basis of his work, it is planned to create a special education system, the main supports for which will be the peculiarities of the Cossack ethnoculture. Work with children and adolescents is carried out in various directions, but they all have one thing in common: Cossack ideals and life principles are instilled in the younger generation, which children can be rightfully proud of.

The organizers and educators from the Cossack House of Creativity believe that if you were born on the Don or your children grow up here, then they should know their roots and their culture.

Preservation of the Cossack heritage is one of the most important tasks of the Cossack House of Creativity. The second task is to help children find themselves in the world, to determine what occupation they may like in their adult life, to help children to form as individuals.

Organization of the Children's Cossack House of Creativity

Shortly before the launch of this program, the management did a little research. Using a questionnaire, numerous parents were interviewed and it turned out that the vast majority of them not only approve of the idea of upbringing with a bias to the local culture, but also consider this to be absolutely necessary in other localities as well. Today, work on education and enlightenment is being carried out jointly with the department of Vsevelik of the Don army, as well as with other cultural and church institutions: the local museum, the Cadet Corps, the temple and the Rostov Pedagogical Institute.

Pupils and teachers jointly created a museum of Cossack life, which is located next to the Cossack house of creativity. Everyday objects are exhibited there: jars, pots, spinning wheels, and even a stove. Among the exhibits there are both genuine ones and those made by the children themselves, among the latter, for example, a circle woven from a vine.

In the museum, created by the pupils of the Cossack House of Creativity, classes are sometimes held with children from the kindergarten.

In the house of creativity itself, you can see various objects of Cossack culture, including antiques belonging to famous people from the Don region, and objects that illustrate the current state of affairs in the Cossacks. You can see there samples of clothing from different times, as well as the commandments of the Don Cossacks. Children learn history, customs, dances and features of Cossack creativity.
