Going to rest in Egypt, you probably asked yourself this question: where to go and what sights to visit? Each stone of Egypt breathes its own history, once you see the magnificence of its monuments, you will want to come back here again and again.

The main and main hallmark of the bewitching Egypt are pyramids and monumental sculptures of various sizes and shapes. The city of Giza ranks third in terms of the number of inhabitants living here and actually merges with Cairo. It is here that the famous Egyptian pyramids (Cheops, Mikeren and Khafre), as well as the Great Sphinx, are located. However, the surroundings of the pyramids are fenced off with a zone that cannot be crossed, since it is a protected area. The sculpture of the Great Sphinx is an image of a mysterious creature carved out of stone with a human head and the body of a lion. This sphinx is 57.3 meters long and 20 meters high. A small temple is located at the huge paws of an unknown stone creature, unfortunately, completely destroyed. A unique place for entertainment, recreation and acquaintance with the monuments of ancient Egypt - Alexandria, which is called the pearl of the Mediterranean Sea. It seems that the city is divided into two parts: the new city is located on land, it looks modern, there is also the old part, which has many bazaars and narrow alleys. Visit the Royal Museum of Jewelry, the Marine Biological Museum, the Museum of Shipping. In Alexandria, it is worth seeing the Kom al Shawkafa Catacombs, which are a large cemetery located in the rock on three levels. In Cairo, you will see the mosques of Sultan Qalaun and the delicate minarets of Muhammad Ali. Take an unforgettable excursion to the jewelry and papyrus factories and the Perfume Museum. Cairo can rightfully be called a tourist paradise or an amazing city from the fairy tale "A Thousand and One Nights". The number of monuments of Roman, Egyptian and early Christian history collected here will enchant even the most sophisticated traveler. Dahab is a small resort area that attracts a large number of tourists and travelers. The fenced off part of the peninsula has preserved its pristine landscapes and is considered one of the most ecologically clean places on the planet. This resort has all the conditions for windsurfing and diving. And the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, Colored Canyon and many other historical sites will leave an unforgettable experience. The Red Sea is considered one of the warmest seas in the whole world, where resort life is in full swing. The coastal strip of coral reefs stretches for almost two thousand kilometers. The coastal waters are inhabited by various types of corals (more than two hundred species), jellyfish, starfish, hundreds of species of fish and sponges. Long-living turtles and dolphins, distinguished by their impeccable intellect, remain constant favorites of local residents and tourists.