On the border of Europe, Asia and the Middle East, between the Caspian and Black Seas, there are three small states. They are part of the region called the Transcaucasia.

Where is Transcaucasia
To the north of the Greater Caucasus ridge, which forms an almost impregnable wall with a length of more than 1,100 km, is the Ciscaucasia or the North Caucasus. This region is part of Russia. To the south lies the Transcaucasia, which is located in an earthquake-prone zone, on a fault in the earth's crust.

Countries of the Caucasus
The region includes three states: Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Despite the common territory, these countries are strikingly different from each other. Thus, Azerbaijanis are Muslim, while Georgians and Armenians adopted Christianity in the 4th century.

These three countries were influenced by many cultures, experienced periods of independence and invasions of neighboring empires. In the 20th century, they became part of the Soviet Union. After its collapse in 1991, the issues of establishing borders and the rights of national minorities became the reasons for many conflicts in these now independent states.
The area of this country is about 30 thousand square meters. km. Modern Armenia occupies an area 10 times smaller than Great Armenia in the past. But the culture of this country, relying on its ancient religion and language, retains its identity.

This is the first state in the world to officially adopt Christianity. The Armenian Church, founded in 301, is autocephalous, independent of other churches, with its head - a Catholicos.

In high-mountainous Armenia, less than half of the land is suitable for agriculture, so half of the population is concentrated on the only plain around Yerevan.
Its area is almost 87 thousand square meters. km. It is the largest and most populated country in the Caucasus. The territories belonging to Persia were gradually Islamized from the 7th century. Most Azerbaijanis are Shita Muslims, as are their Iranian neighbors. However, the language and culture of Azerbaijan as a whole are increasingly influenced by Turkey.

When oil fields were found in the country at the end of the 19th century, Baku turned into an industrial capital. Today, the Azerbaijani government has high hopes for the oil development of the Caspian Sea.

The area of this Transcaucasian country is about 70 thousand square meters. km. The nature of Georgia is extremely diverse: in the north - mountains, in the center - a plain with steppes, semi-deserts and forests, in the west - plantations of tea, grapes, citrus fruits, tobacco. These beautiful lands in different centuries sought to conquer the Romans, Khazars, Turks, Mongols, Persians. In the 19th century, Georgia became part of the Russian Empire.

Tiflis (now Tbilisi) in the Middle Ages was the cultural capital of Transcaucasia. At all times, Georgia has attracted creative people with its natural flavor and authentic culture. Alexander Griboyedov, Mikhail Lermontov, Lev Tolstoy often visited this country.