It is believed that chamomile grows most abundantly mainly in central Russia. But there are areas of its habitat that are incredibly far from the usual places of its distribution. However, chamomile can surprise.

The city of Pevek is an extraordinary, and in some ways unique settlement of Russia. For example, it is considered the northernmost city in our country. Its coordinates are as follows: 69 ° 42 ′ north latitude, 170 ° 19 ′ east longitude.

It is cold or very cold here most of the year. The summer months are no exception. Although Pevek is located on the southern coast (and there is no other) of the sea, the average temperature of the hottest month of July is only about + 8-9 °. True, this sea belongs to the Arctic Ocean. The waves of the East Siberian Sea wash over this amazing Chukchi city.
The climate is harsh. Permafrost rises very high here. In such conditions, only dwarf trees survive. Outside the city, there is an endless arctic tundra. Pevek is covered with a white blanket for almost the whole year. In winter, which is natural for the Far North, snowy. But in the summer … chamomile. It is not in vain that the expression "chamomile city" has become synonymous with the name of the city.

It is unlikely that anywhere else in the whole world there is such a phenomenon: usually around July, daisies bloom throughout the city. Nobody plants them. Few can say for sure when and how they appeared here. If we look at the old photographs of Pevek from the 70s and 80s of the last century, then they already exist.

Daisies have independently settled throughout the city and went beyond its borders. Moreover, they do not bloom as isolated scattered meadows here and there. And they cover the soil with huge, friendly, dense white glades.

The nature of the North, especially the Extreme, is incredibly fragile. So far, daisies manage to survive despite the harsh climate and other obstacles. The people of Pevek adore them. I would like chamomile to bloom every summer and adorn Pevek to the delight of people in this city in the distant Chukotka of the Russian Far North.

Chamomile! White Pevek daisy floats under the wing.
The author of some photos is ZOYA KOZLOVA.