The highest of the unconquered peaks of the world remains Mount Kankar-Punsum. It is located in Bhutan. The authorities of the country are not only in no hurry to issue permits to those who wish to climb, but also by all means prevent the climbers.

Compared to Everest, Kankar-Punsum is far from the highest in the world, 7570 m, and it is in the fortieth place. However, if Chomolungma was conquered by many daredevils, then so far no one has managed to climb the top of the fatal peak.
Mysterious object
There are many legends among climbers about the first peak of Bhutan, recognized as one of the most inaccessible in the world. In total, four expeditions were organized. They all ended in failure. The reasons were both heavy snowfalls and poor conditions.
The fateful summit was not on the maps until the twenties of the last century. The mountain was mysteriously not noticed by the participants of the first cartographic mission. According to them, the mountains simply did not appear in their usual place.
Nobody would have believed in this story, if exactly the same situation had not repeated since 1983 with a group of climbers who decided to ascend. A picturesque peak, more precisely, a rocky anomalous zone, enveloped in a mystical veil.

Failed attempts
Thanks to such fame, the coordinates of Kankar-Putsum on the map are very controversial. In 1985-1986, climbers who received official permission to climb began to storm the mountain. However, as if the higher powers decided not to let the daredevils in, increasing the weather anomalies.
As a result, the fatal peak remained unconquered. After a series of failures, including fatal ones, the daredevils abandoned their attempts and left the foot of the fatal peak, fearing for their lives.
In 1994 in Bhutan it was forbidden to conquer peaks over 6000 m, but in 1998 a group of climbers from Japan began an assault on the unconquered peak from the side of Tibet. And again the attempt was unsuccessful: this time, the reason was a dispute that suddenly flared up between China and Bhutan over the ownership of the mountain due to the "floating" coordinates of the latter.

Representatives of the Land of the Rising Sun had no choice but to conquer the neighboring peak, Gangkhar Puensum North, which was also considered impregnable. True, the mountain was not much lower than the desired level.
Mysticism and reality
In translation, the name of the peak means “the peak of the three spiritual brothers”. This interpretation has attracted the interest of ufologists. They believe that the mountain hides several alien races inside the base.
This hypothesis is confirmed by the testimony of local residents about numerous visits to the peak by unidentified flying objects. Usually such devices look like dancing light spots or silvery discs in the night sky.
In 2004, due to contradictions with Buddhist traditions and beliefs, the authorities of Bhutan almost completely banned mountaineering in the kingdom. In addition, the authorities actively prevent even exploration of the foot of the mountain, although such an action poses no danger to life.

That is why the conquest of the mystery of the top, shrouded in a haze, remains an unresolved issue, and the anomalies noticed near Kankar-Punsum continue to excite inquisitive minds.