Which To Choose: Canary Or Balearic Islands

Which To Choose: Canary Or Balearic Islands
Which To Choose: Canary Or Balearic Islands

The Balearic and Canary archipelagos have been popular holiday destinations for several decades. Each of these archipelagos has its own climatic characteristics. For example, in the Canary Islands you can sunbathe even in winter. However, the Balearic Islands have hotter summers.

Gran Canaria island
Gran Canaria island

Wanting to spend their vacation on the islands of sunny Spain, many tourists do not know which is better to choose - the Canary or Balearic Islands. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which of these two archipelagos is better suited for recreation. To decide on the choice of a vacation spot, first of all, you should take into account the goals and time of the year of the planned trip.

Canary Islands

The Canary Archipelago is located in the Atlantic Ocean. It includes eight inhabited and several small uninhabited islands. Inhabited islands include: Tenerife, La Gomera, Hierro, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and La Graciosa.

The climate of the archipelago is characterized as a tropical trade wind. Constantly blowing trade winds soften the dry climate. The Canary Islands are characterized by the absence of sharp changes in temperature and a small amount of precipitation throughout the year.

The largest island in the Archipelago is Tenerife. Its area is 2034, 38 km², and the population in 2012 reached 908 555 people. Tenerife is located on the same latitude as the Sahara Desert, which affects its climate. The main feature of the climate is that the maximum seasonal temperature drops are no more than 10-15 ° C. Therefore, the Spaniards call Tenerife sla de la Eterna Primavera, which translates as "the island of eternal spring."

In summer, the average air temperature ranges from +24 to + 28 ° С, and in winter from +13 to 18 ° С. On sunny winter days, the air can warm up to + 21 … + 22 ° С. The water temperature in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Tenerife in the period from December to January is + 18 … + 21 ° С.

Mountain ranges divide Tenerife into two parts: north and south. In winter, climatic conditions in these parts differ significantly. In the north, it rains more often and the climate is more humid. In the south, the climate is dry, and precipitation is much less frequent.

All inhabited Canary Islands, with the exception of La Graciosa, have many hotels, among which there are budget and luxury hotel chains. There are no large hotels on La Gracios, which is not surprising, because it is the smallest inhabited island of the archipelago.

Balearic Islands

The Balearic archipelago is located in the western Mediterranean. The largest islands in the archipelago are Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza (Ibiza) and Formentera. Ibiza is a bustling youth resort for lovers of bars and nightclubs. Mallorca also boasts a vibrant nightlife. Therefore, lovers of tranquility are recommended to relax in Menorca or Formentera.

The climate of the Balearic archipelago is Mediterranean. This type of climate is characterized by dry hot summers and mild winters with an average air temperature of + 8 … + 15 ° С. In summer, the average air temperature in the Balearic Islands is + 27 … + 31 ° С. The water in the Mediterranean Sea warms up to + 25 ° C in summer. The beach season in the Balearic Islands starts in April and lasts until around mid-October.

Where to go to rest?

If your vacation falls between November and March, and you want to enjoy the southern warmth, then a vacation in the Canary Islands would be a good option. For example, you can go to one of the southern resorts of Tenerife. On the island of Gran Canaria in the autumn-winter period it is also quite warm - in January the air temperature can reach + 20 … + 21 ° С.

For those who do not like the sultry heat, summer in the Canary Islands will also be very comfortable. After all, the climate of the archipelago is softened by trade winds and cold currents. Therefore, even at an air temperature above +25 ° C, the heat will be easily tolerated.

A summer vacation in the Balearic Islands will appeal to lovers of hot weather and sultry sun. The hottest summer months are July and August. In the second half of September, the velvet season begins.

If you are interested in sightseeing holidays, then in the autumn-winter period you can go to Mallorca. The most interesting sights of Mallorca are located in the capital of the island - Palma. To this day, medieval churches, cathedrals and the Royal Palace are well preserved in Palma.
