Italy is a country with a rich cultural heritage, hot climate and turbulent history, so many people dream of living and working there. But only a few know how to make their dreams come true. What do you need to go to work in Italy?

Step 1
Learn the language. If you want to find a good, prestigious and highly paid job, then you need to know the Italian language almost perfectly. Without knowledge of the language, foreigners are hired only for hard, unpromising work with minimal pay. In addition, the majority of foreign workers who do not speak the language cannot understand the labor legislation of Italy, and, therefore, protect their rights. This is actively used by dishonest employers. Do not think that knowledge of English will help you, the average Italian does not speak it. Learn the literary Italian language, and if you want to make your stay in the country as comfortable as possible, learn the dialect of the part of Italy where you are going (Sicily, Naples, Venice, etc.)
Step 2
Check out the Flussi migratori decree for the current and next year. At the end of each year, the Italian government sets certain quotas for employees to enter the country and obtain a residence permit. The size of the quotas is determined by the demand for the profession and, if the specialty is in great demand, the quotas can be unlimited.
Step 3
Find an employer by reviewing the provisions of the current decree. This can be done on specialized sites for the employment of foreign workers. A job call is the most powerful argument for obtaining an Italian residence permit.
Step 4
Have a certain amount of money for running expenses while waiting for the job. If you come to Italy in search of work and do not have specific offers, then you must have at least nine thousand euros in annual income (at home). With this money, you will pay for health insurance, room and board.