Tver is one of the oldest cities in Russia. It stands on the banks of the great Volga, in the place where the Tvertsa and T'mak rivers flow into it. Once this city competed with Moscow for the right to be called the capital. Several centuries have passed since then, but it has been and remains an example of high architectural art. This, as well as the richest collections of local museums and a rich cultural life, attract crowds of tourists to Tver.

Almost every corner of this city breathes history. Its territory is replete with monuments and obelisks, including a monument to the famous traveler and merchant Afanasy Nikitin. It is a bronze statue four meters high, which stands on the platform in the form of a rook with the head of a horse. It was from here, from the banks of the Volga, that the traveler began his famous "Voyage across the Three Seas". The monument to the legendary singer Mikhail Krug is popular among the townspeople and guests of Tver. It is located in the very heart of the city - on Radishchev Boulevard. Many old wooden buildings have survived in Tver. It is worth going to Babel Street, where almost all buildings are architectural monuments. Here you can see unique wooden houses from the 19th century, decorated with intricate carvings. This city in the upper Volga is also not deprived of museums. There is an art gallery with canvases by Russian painters, in particular Venetsianov and Levitan. The Saltykov Shchedrin Museum should not be ignored either. It is located in the house on Rybatskaya Street, where the writer lived for several years. In the Museum of Military Traditions you can see a rich collection of armor and weapons from the 16th century. The main tourist artery of Tver is Trekhsvyatskaya Street. This is an analogue of the capital's Arbat. As in Moscow, local artists sell their creations here and souvenir sellers conduct a brisk trade. Stepan Razin Embankment is another interesting place in the city. There are still preserved old pink and blue two-story houses with low gate arches and stucco curls. The Volga divides Tver into two parts; in addition, two more rivers flow through its territory. For this reason, there are many bridges in the city, one of which is definitely worth a visit. This is the Old Bridge - the symbol of Tver. He is over a hundred years old. His prototype is in Prague. The surprisingly lightweight construction of this bridge, which seems almost delicate, delights many. Immediately behind it is the City Garden, where you can look at the remains of the earthen rampart and the walls of the ancient Kremlin. Also behind the bridge, the ensemble of the Imperial Traveling Palace stands proudly, where the historical and architectural museum is now located. There are a lot of cathedrals, chapels and churches in the city. The White Trinity Church is located on Troitskaya Square. It was built in the 16th century. This is perhaps the oldest stone building in the city. The guests of Tver are also attracted by the chapel of John of Kronstadt on Tchaikovsky Avenue. This is a tiny architectural gem, which majestically rises among modern high-rise buildings. Do you want to have a meal literally "on the Volga"? In Tver, this is possible. Every summer, next to the Stepan Razin embankment, a float cafe opens right on the river. This place is popular with locals and tourists looking for romance.