Egypt is one of the most ancient civilizations, rich in rich history and monuments of ancient architecture. And also this country is located on the shores of the clean and beautiful Red Sea, where thousands of people from all over the world come to rest every year. The best time to relax there is spring and late autumn, but in January in Egypt you can also have a wonderful time.

Weather in Egypt in January
After the New Year holidays, the cost of vouchers to Egypt is low, because at this time it becomes quite cool there, especially compared to spring or autumn. Nevertheless, in the afternoon in January, on the beaches of this country, you can enjoy sunbathing with might and main, and at times - even swim in the pristine Red Sea.
So, in Dahab, Sharm el-Sheikh and Taba, the air temperature during the day is usually kept at around 23 ° C above zero. However, by nightfall, it can drop by almost 10 ° C. The water temperature reaches about + 22 ° C, so swimming during the day in calm weather is quite pleasant. It rains very rarely even in winter in Egypt, and they do not last long.
In the resorts of the west coast, it is somewhat cooler in winter; in the evening, the air temperature in Hurghada or El Gouna can drop to 9 ° C above zero. The water temperature here also corresponds to the daytime air temperature - about 21 ° C. Despite this, the sun in Egypt, even in January, is strong enough and you can burn out in a matter of hours, so sunscreen is an indispensable attribute of tourists when visiting this country.
Going to Egypt in January, do not forget also about warm clothes. For evening walks, you will definitely need a warm jacket or light jacket, and for very early excursions it is better to bring even warmer clothes.
What to do in Egypt in January
It is best to spend time on the beach during the day in January. From 11 am to 4 pm there is the warmest and most pleasant weather not only for sunbathing, but also for swimming in the Red Sea. In the evening, it is better to move closer to the pool to shelter from the cool wind, have fun inside the hotel or stroll around the nearby towns.
In January in Egypt, it is better to stay in hotels that have heated pools.
January in Egypt is especially favorable for long excursions. You can visit the pyramids, admire the silence of the desert or go to ancient cities. Tourists are usually offered to visit Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor and other cities. Also from Egypt you can go to neighboring Jordan and admire the ancient stone city of Petra.
Lovers of observing the beauty of the underwater world will not be bored in Egypt, because at these resorts tourists are offered to go diving. The beauty of the Red Sea is simply mesmerizing, and you can watch the variety of fish and corals even in cool weather.