St. Petersburg is rightfully one of the most majestic Russian cities. Tourists from all over the world strive to see it. Where to go first of all, having arrived in St. Petersburg?

Step 1
This well-known museum impresses not only with its paintings, but also with the decoration of the halls, which can compete with the splendor of the French Louvre. Despite the high cost of entrance tickets, the museum is worth a visit. In addition, significant discounts are provided for citizens of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
Saint Isaac's Cathedral.
A stunning structure reminiscent of ancient ancient temples. High ceilings and semicircular arches of the cathedral are amazing. In hot weather, here you can hide from the stuffiness, as its halls keep cool even in the heat.
Step 3
The Wax Museum.
It is located not far from the Hermitage and Palace Square. Not in every city you can find such places, so it is worth seeing. Taking photographs of exhibits is not prohibited, however, it should be borne in mind that it is difficult to do this in dim lighting.
Step 4
This city is considered a suburb of St. Petersburg. You can save a lot if you take a fixed-route taxi instead of taking an expensive excursion. For those who want to diversify their rest, a trip by high-speed water transport, "Meteora", which runs between St. Petersburg and Peterhof along the Gulf of Finland, is suitable.
Step 5
Walk along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg.
This is one of the most popular fun among tourists. For those who do not plan big expenses, it will come in handy. But a more spectacular option is a boat trip along the Bolshaya Neva, where unforgettable views of the city open up.
Step 6
Raising bridges.
A spectacle, without visiting which it is impossible to leave St. Petersburg. Do not forget that it takes place at night, and calculate your possibilities. Due to the divergence of bridges, it is almost impossible to get from one part of the city to another until the early morning.