Non-standard Hotels In The World

Non-standard Hotels In The World
Non-standard Hotels In The World

No matter how comfortable and high-level a hotel is, if it does not have unique and memorable features, then it has no chance of becoming world famous. Today, hotels and hostels have come to the fore, which can provide their residents with previously unknown emotions and provide an unforgettable experience.

Non-standard hotels in the world
Non-standard hotels in the world

The first in the list of such hotels are the so-called Ice Palaces. The idea of such a building dates back to the eighteenth century, when the Ice House was erected at the whim of Anna Ioanovna. Of course, these two structures cannot be compared, because the newly made ice building provides all kinds of conditions for a comfortable pastime.


The second unusual hotel is the Salt House, located in the Andes. It is made entirely of rock salt, the raw materials for which are extracted from the nearby salt lake.

Compared to such masterpieces, no megalopolis hotels will be able to provide adequate competition.

The next hotel literally hovers above the ground. A similar miracle was built in Brazil and has no analogues. Somehow, squeezed between the crowns of giant trees, this hotel can rightfully be called an exotic place, even extreme, because the height at which it is located can frighten even the most daring people.


We must not forget about the hotel under water. These apartments will especially appeal to lovers of underwater depths. Indeed, through the walls of their room, visitors will be able to observe the entire underwater world at a glance.

In Australia, on the other hand, there is a hotel underground. It is better to drop in there when the hot season comes. Relax in your pleasure from the bustle of the world, surf the Internet and try drinks from the bar.
